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Off Subject but if you answer i will show you how it is realted

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A poll For my Project


I need to know so drop me a line What would you like more a drawing of a Dragon or a Drawing of Grim Reaper who is allso know as death



Also i will tell after a few lines are droped off what the Dragon and Death or to and why i need them


More imporantly who it will show what kinda of person you will be


:dev13: :bounfire::devburn:flamthro

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It is realy a type of normality test Acroding to most professers

most poeple will chose Dragons over A picture of Death


I don't belive this so i tired it after i picked A picture of death so am i diffrent you all normal ? got me


dragrons represnt the following personality traits Greed Power

Might ( most pictures of dragons show dragons destroying something with no promblem )

( why greed Dragons would take things they could not use like gold what does a Dragon need gold for )


Grim Reaper Shows end of life angle of death. evil at its root allways show tih a weapon the power to kill with a touch


so if you pick dragons this means you like to have power


if you pick Grim Reaper you might just like the thought of killing or dieing


Note this can't be all the way correct what do think i on my test just pick the Grim Reaper cuse of how cool he look and dark and evil


Not the Creater of this stupied test Normaltiy test something diffrent hu

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Speaking of research and death, did you know that the #1 fear in the average person is speaking before a crowd? :)



Did you know that 50% of the 90% of the population in the largest 20% of the country in the top 10% of the income earners would agree with the other 50% that you are right? ;)

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My girlfriend thinks I am the Angel of Death in that EVERYONE in ANY of my stories dies when I do not need tham any more to advance the plot. No one dies in a ny gruesome way, they just all peacefully keel over and are not mentioned anymore.


I think I will post some of my stories in the off topic-forum... or is this the off-topic forum already???

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