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Looks like they posted Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and a game called Armed and Dangerous on the Lucasarts E3 page today. I guess Armed and Dangerous is for X-box and PC only just like KOTOR. 4 more spots left. One we already know is Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike and another is supposed to be Wrath. Lets hope the last one is a Star Wars Strategy Game for PC.

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With gaming console's the Gamecube is actually more powerful than the xbox, and it isnt going anywhere any time soon.


Apart from the exclusive 'Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3 - Rebel Strike' EA has just announched that later this year they will be releasing 'Lord of the Rings: Return of the King' on Gamecube and Gameboy Advance.


As for E3, dont get your hopes up, personally i would be betting on SWGB2 being announched at E3 2004, but we'll see how things go.

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They could release a space-combat strategy game for PC this year. Then release a ground-combat strategy game for PC at the end of 2004 or early 2005. That would make more sense. It has been forever since Star wars Rebellion was first released and that was the only Star Wars space-combat strategy game to date.

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Well, if they don't make a Star Wars Space RTS, I'll sure as hell be playing Homeworld 2. Homeworld is the best Space RTS ever EVER. I have all the homeworld games and they're so awesome. I can't wait til Homeworld 2.


Maybe DMUK should pass some "hints" that we want a Space RTS ;):D

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

I wasn't aware that the Gameboy died out? I like some of their games... I agree. A remake of TIE Fighter is needed. I loved that game.


Some of the missions in the magazine was when you need to rescue Leia, yes in a Stormtrooper suit, Battle of Hoth where you can destroy AT-AT's when you're Luke and a forest of Endor mission when you can ride the speeder bikes.


It also said that you won't participate in the Battle of Yavin, Battle of Hoth or the Battle of Endor, but you can chose your character in the single player, either Wedge or Luke. Both have different missions.


They're really going to the max with this one.


What game is that? I came into the thread late.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Yeah, I don't care much for Space RTS's


[gasp]!! You obviously haven't played Homeworld. That game ownz. And when Homeworld 2 comes out, the game will R0xx0rz


Also, I think I read somewhere that it would be through-out Ma that they will release info on the games.

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Uh-oh...I guess pb was right. There is only one spot left it looks like and I bet that it will be Rogue Squadron III...or they want to suprise us and throw up GBII at the last minute...but it looks pretty grim to see GBII this year's E3...unless there will be another one.

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