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Things that annoy you thread

Bob Gnarly

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1. Trolls

2. Spammers

3. Junk email.

4. Junk snail mail.

5. People who ring up at the most inopportune moment to try to sell you something.


6. goodbye threads

7. pop-ups

8. idiot ppl driving cars (drunk, too fast,...)

9. using fogg lights when there is no fogg

10. phone ringin when its not needed (especially in the movies or early in the morning when i just went to bed)

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saying you will do something....but never doing it, or cancelling at the last minnute.


closeminded people


ignorant people (well everybody has some ignorancy in them, but some people are just reeely ignorant)


highschoolers (yes i was once one...but that was in a different time, now their nuts)


People who try to tell you what to do, usually Ijust respond to them with a short and fast " all you know about me is what I've told you"


People who brag about being druggies. Or people who rub it in your face that they do that...I've quit for a long long time and will never start up again...my old budies that are still screwin around are rubbin it in my face that I quit...when in reality the joke is on them.


all those names like Darth (some random name that doesnt fit well) except for Homer cause well...the simpsons rocks.

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its going to annoy me when after the new matrix movie comes out...more than half of you guys will have sigs and avatars for it. As if there arent enough already...


Same for when the return of the king comes out, I can hear it now...50 threads of "OMG OMG Merry and Eowyn kick ass!!"

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Originally posted by XERXES

its going to annoy me when after the new matrix movie comes out...more than half of you guys will have sigs and avatars for it. As if there arent enough already...


Same for when the return of the king comes out, I can hear it now...50 threads of "OMG OMG Merry and Eowyn kick ass!!"

thats so true XERXES...im might take a break from LF when those come out just so i dont have to hear all that....
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