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NEW! Developer Diary #3


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They start playing through the game and finding the plots that are confusing, too linear or just plain boring. They point out the weak areas of the story as well as levels or planets that don't feel as polished as the rest of the game. The writers revisit their levels again, adding new paths in existing conversations or adding in entirely new characters.

man, they put in so much effort i wanna cry

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Originally posted by Eets

[bAnd btw, I think that when the PC or NPC raises his/her hand up to the sky for that lightning stuff, it is not Force Lightning but rather Force Storm.. [/b]


It looks great, whatever it is. :thumbsup:


*salivates over keyboard and fries components*

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Those screens are outstanding.


Did anyone notice that the purplish saber has a different colored core? Maybe you can have differing inside outside colors. That would be awesome.


And that Rancor (maybe it's something else) looks great!


Anyone have a clue of what that thing on the persons face is?


This game looks better and better by the day.


*runs to go get official KoTOR drool cup*

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

Anyone have a clue of what that thing on the persons face is?


can u imagine someone's face glowing? i mean if it's not the face, but the mask glowing. then how's the person suppose to see? :confused:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

And those two sabers are just the colours I've been thinking about...


Orange, that's all I want. One little orange saber to juice everyone with.


Bad joke I know. . .


On a non related subject. The new kid here is impressed with the smilies :duel:

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