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Lunatic Jedi

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

Last night's episode was "Murder Machine." I only saw sporatic bits and pieces of it, so I don't really know what happened.


OH, and I saw the last episode of Cowboy Bebop and... Spike... he... he... he... WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! :ball:


"Bang" *Thud*




yes I know its a sad ending :( :( :(

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how does trigun compare to Neon Genesis Evangelion? Cos that is about the only anime series i have seen and i thought it was awesome? Does it have a decent plot and characterisations like NGE, or is it one of those anime deals that is just OTT sex and violence?

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Trust me, there's absolutely NO SEX (poor Vash can't get any :p ) but there is violence, naturally, since its all about gunfights and stuff. However, the plot is excellent, and the characters are endearing. WATCH IT NOW OR SUFFER THE WRATH OF THE MONKEY BUTTOCKS!!!


Oh, and BTW, does anybody know the lyrics to Rem's song? You know, that one that Vash hears that Kite kid singing and he starts crying and stuff. I like the song but I don't understand the lyrics.

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Bah ha ha ha ha! Very clever! I didn't even know, and I'm... ME!


Oh... wait a second...


*Checks character bio*


"Legato Bluesummers: A man fascinated by death, only spoke quietly."


Crap! I mean...


*Quietly* You're becoming very irritating...

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*Quietly* So are you.........:D


Wait a minute, if we're alive, then who're those guys?


*Finds a dead Wolfwood (NO!!!!! :cry7: ) and a dead Vash lying on the ground (Oh the pain! :cry7: ) *


We're dead..................RUN!!!!!! :D

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