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Are we able to have more than one house?


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Say my main place is on corillea, but ya know I want one of those summer condos on naboo near a lake, so I can "Swim to the shore and lie on the sand" But "I hate sand, it gets everywhere". Anyway, anyone know? cause I wanna set up a factory or something on another planet away from my home.

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Well, yes. After all, a city made by players needs cantinas, cloning stations, shops, bazaars, hotels etc. However, I've seen hints at buildings that can serve as homes for several players, with several floors, so you can put the quota of ordinary houses down if there is little room left to build on.


Considering how huge the maps will be, I doubt overcrowding of every planet where you can settle is a bit... unlikely. I mean, we're talking about a lot of square kilometers here! :)


EDIT: also, additional houses mean more houses you'll have to pay maintenance for. So even if you disregard the fact that houses will doubtly be cheap, there's a lot of reasons why people won't casually overpopulate the planets with houses.

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A hint: wait when you have pressed the "Submit Reply" button. It's not that it doesn's submit it, it's just that sometimes the servers are slow, so it might take a long time.


Control you have to learn, uhmmm!


Patience master you must, or the dark side of multi-posting you walk, uhmmm! ;)

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I've quadrupaled posted. :p


I would think you'd be able to own as many house you want, it's just gonna cost ya lots of money.


But I wouldn't know really, I haven't played the game and I doubt we can be sure because we don't know everything about the game... well maybe a few of us knows everything about SWG... :D

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Originally posted by The Punisher

Lol, communists in space? Noooooo, what is this galaxiy coming to? Next there'll be an Emporer... :skul5:






um.......... i think the Galactic Empire already has the symbolic meaning for Communism and further more does Emperor Palpatine mean anything to you? did you even watch and understand anything happening in the movie?







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