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i keep hearing the newscasters calling the shi'ite gathering in karbala a celebration! it has really pissed me off because not one of the news channels can get it right! THE GATHERING IS NOT A CELEBRATION! IT IS A MOURNING OF THE IMAM HOUSSIEN'S DEATH! i think it is pretty obvious this is the case as the people are self inflicting pain on themselves. i mean who would do that while celebrating.

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how am i upping my post count? this thing has been annoying me and i had to get it out. of course ill have some mistakes in my post. i dont go spellchecking it over and over for mistakes...


oh and that post you made yourself was meaningless so dont be a hypocrite.

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

are u upping your post count aigan?

I thought the same thing when i saw 3 new vader threads...


vader doesnt seem to realize that the celebration aspect of the gathering is the fact that they haven't been able to do this for nearly 30 years.

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i hate to be rude .... but uhmm.... pipe down....

your getting all worked up over nothing...


in another post on another forums.. some one asked what ester was..... now i know the guy lives in azia or something.. and he might not know.. but thats not the reason to shout the guy for not knowing... is it?


and if the transaltors of the news network is correct.. and i think they are... a guy that got interviewed.., WAS happy to .. MOURN again.. so ......


just take it easy ok...... no need to get all worked up :)


oh and dont mind ackbar... he is a disgrace for all Dutch people :p

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