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I've decided...


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...and I'm going to try to skin. Advice? Good tutorials? Programs needed?


Also, what's with the donating creds to users? A game? Describe.


Finally, do I need to get a certain amount of posts for the fancy glowy name?


Alot has changed since I was here last.

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...and I'm going to try to skin. Advice? Good tutorials? Programs needed?


A: I don't know much anything about that...sorry:(


Also, what's with the donating creds to users? A game? Describe.


A: The creds are for buying stuff at the store and you can donate them to other users so that they can buy more expensive stuff at the store.


Finally, do I need to get a certain amount of posts for the fancy glowy name?


A: You need 300 points to buy a glowy name. You need to go to http://www.lucasforums.com to go to the store.

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Originally posted by adrian832

That's pretty cool. Is that the only way you can get credits by donations?

You get credits just for posting. 2 points for each post, I believe.


Originally posted by adrian832

What's the purpose of the hotel room?:snear:

No idea.
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Originally posted by wassup

Well, I didn't really know what a Hotel looked like, so I bought one. To view what a hotel looks like go here. The room number is 97 and the key is za8385ja24ko68. The Hotel is just prettty much like what I said, you personal forum or "place". :spin:

Cool. Thanks.


Originally posted by Neko Lain

Is skinning anything like drawing?

I guess to some extent it is. It involves either altering or creating new textures. This is usually done in a drawing program like Paintshop Pro or Photoshop.
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