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Monty Forums' Quest for the Holy.......Thing

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I'm not a plagerist, I didn't know anyone else had done it? Sorry.


Meanwhile Rhett and Obi-wan13, not more than a swallows flight away had discovered something. That’s an unladed swallows flight obviously, well it was more two laden swallows, or four if they carried a coconut on a line between them. I mean, if the birds were walking, and dragging…


Rhett: Get on with it!


Anyway, onto the next scene which is a smashing scene with some lovely acting In which Rhett discovers a vital clue; in which there aren't any swallows but I think you can hear a starling...Argh!


Whitedragon: Eh he he ha hargh

Rhett: And this enchanter, he has seen the grail?

Whitedragon: He he ha har hargh, Ee he heh ha har hargh

Rhett: Where does he live?....Old man where does he live?

Whitedragon: Heh heh. He knows of a cave , a cave which no man has entered

Rhett: And the grail? The grail is there?

Whitedragon: Much danger, beyond the cave lies the gorge of eternal peril, which no man has ever crossed.

Rhett: And the grail where is the grail?

Starling: Ca!

Whitedragon: Seek you the bridge of death.

Rhett: The bridge of death which leads to the grail?

Whitedragon: He ha ha Argh!


The strange whitedragon disappeared into the flames of the campfire, leaving Rhett, Obi-wan13 and their faithful companions in the wilderness. So they wandered, noticing slight movement in the fog around them. Suddenly some strange figures appeared.


Darklighter: Ni!


Rhett felt strangely insulted and some pain.


Rhett: Who are you?

Darklighter: We are the Guys who say….Ni!

Rhett: No, not the Guys who say Ni

Darklighter: the same….

Obi-wan13: Who are they?

Darklighter: We are the keepers of the sacred words Ni, Spam and Neeeeiwom

Padanime: Neeeeiwom

Rhett: Those who hear from them seldom live to tell the tale

Darklighter: The knights who say Ni demand a sacrifice.

Rhett: Mods of Ni we are but simple travelers, who seek the enchanter who lives beyond these woods.

Darklighter: Ni!

Rhett: Argh!

Darklighter: Ni!

Padanime: Ni!

Tyrion: Ni!

Rhett: Ouch!

Obi-wan13: Ow, ow!

Darklighter: Ni!

Rhett: Ahhh

Darklighter: We shall say Ni again to you, if you do not appease us.

Rhett: Well what is it you want?

Darklighter: We want……...a SIG IMAGE!

Rhett: Ah!…. A what?

Darklighter: Ni!

Tyrion: Ni! Ni!

Padanime: Ni!

Rhett: Please, please no more! We will find you a sig image .

Darklighter: You must return here with a sig image or else you will never pass through this wood….Alive!

Rhett: Oh guys of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a sig image.

Darklighter: One that looks nice?

Rhett: Of course.

Darkligher: And not too expensive.

Rhett: Yes

Darklighter: Now…….GO!


In the meantime Stormhammer was searching with his faithful servant concord. When they noticed a castle on the horizon. In the tallest tower of the castle stood a boy and his father.


Kstar: One day lad, all this will be yours.

Higginson: What the curtains?

Kstar: No not the curtains lad, all that you can see, right out to the hills in the distance.

Higginson: But mother

Kstar: Father..father

Higginson: But father, I don’t want any of that.

Kstar: Listen Lad, I built this kingdom up from nothing. Before I came here all it was, was swamp. They thought I was daft to make my home in the swamp, but I built it all the same. Just to show ‘em. It sank into the swamp, SO! I made a second one, that sank into the swamp. So I built a third one, that was spammed down, fell over and then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up! And that’s what you’re going to get lad, the strongest castle in these forums.

Higginson: But I don’t want any of that, I’d rather.

Kstar: Rather what?!

Higginson: I’d rather just….SING!

Kstar: Stop that, stop that! You’re not going into a song while I’m here. Now listen right. In 20 minutes you’re getting married to a girl who owns the biggest part of the forums.

Higginson: But I don’t want the forums.

Kstar: Listen, Tyrion

Higginson: Higginson!

Kstar: This is the swamp! We need all the forums we can get!

Higginson: But I don’t like her!

Kstar: Don’t like her! What’s wrong with her? She’s beautiful, she’s got lots of points, huge….....parts of the forum

Higginson: I know but I want the girl that I marry to have, a certain, special, something…..Oh H…

Kstar: Cut that out! Cut that out...Listen, you’re marrying LeXX so you’d better get used to the idea!

*Slap* Guards! Make sure Higgy doesn’t leave this room until I come an get him.

Hekx: Right. He’s not to leave the room, even if you come and get him.

InsaneSith: *Hic*

Kstar: no, UNTIL I come and get him.

Hekx: You’re not to come and get him, ’til we’re out of the room.

Kstar: no, no. You stay in the room, and make sure he doesn’t leave.

Hekx: And you’ll come and get him.

Kstar: Right

Hekx: So we don’t need to do anything, apart from stop him from entering the room.

Kstar: No no, leaving the room.

Hekx: Leaving the room

Kstar: Yes, good.

InsaneSith: *Hic*

Hekx: Yeah…….oh, if, if, if….if if, if, if...if...if...oh

Kstar: Look its quite simple. You just stay here, and make sure he doesn’t leave the room.

Hekx: Oh I remember. Can he leave the room with us?

Hekx: Oh yes, he’ll stay here obviously. But if he has to leave and we were with him….

Kstar: Look, just keep him in here…

Hekx: Until you or anyone else…

Kstar: No not anyone else, just me

Hekx: Just you

Kstar: Get back

Hekx: Get back

InsaneSith: *Hic*

Kstar: Right?

Hekx: Right, well stay here until you get back.

Kstar: and make sure he doesn’t leave.

Hekx: What?

Kstar: Make sure he doesn’t leave.

Hekx: Higginson?

Kstar: Yes, make sure he doesn’t leave.

Hekx: Oh yes of course, I thought you meant Insane Sith. I did seem a bit me having to guard him when he’s a guard.

Kstar: Is that clear?

InsaneSith: *Hic*

Hekx: Yes quite clear.


Kstar went to leave the room. The guards followed.


Kstar: What are you doing?

Hekx: We’re coming with you

Kstar: No, I want you to stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave.

Hekx: Oh I see right.

Higginson: But father?

Kstar: Shut up you, and get that suit on.


Kstar left the room. Before quickly coming back


Kstar: And NO singing!

InsaneSith: *Hic*

Kstar: Oh go get a glass of water.


Kstar left again. Higginson wrote a note and fired it out of the window on an arrow with a bow. The arrow went straight into Stormhammers faithful servant.


Concord: Message for you sir.


Concord collapsed.


Stormhammer: Concord? Concord! Speak to me!


Stormhammer picked up the message. It said:


To whoever finds this message I have been Imprisoned by my father who wishes me to marry against my will. Please, please, please come and rescue me. I am in the tall tower of the swamp forum.


Stormhammer: At last! A Call! A Cry of despair! This could be the sign that leads us to the holy grail. Brave, brave Concord! You shall not have died in vane!

Concord: Err, I'm not quite dead sir.

Stormhammer:….well you shall not have been mortally wounded in vane!

Concord: I think I could pull through sir…

Stormhammer: *sigh* Oh I see

Concord: Actually I think I might be ok to come with you.

Stormhammer: No, no sweet Concord stay here. I will send help as soon as I have accomplished this daring and heroic rescue in my own particular….err…..

Concord: Idiom sir?

Stormhammer: Idiom!

Concord: No I feel fine actually I…

Stormhammer: Farewell Concord!


Stormhammer darted off towards the castle.


Concord: I’ll umm...I’ll just stay here then shall I sir?...........................yeah……..


Back in the castle the celebrations were being set up. Two castle guards, Tyrion and Padanime were letting the guests in. When Tyrion noticed Stormhammer on the horizon, running towards the castle. He took a bite of his donut and looked up, and in the distance he saw Stormhammer running towards them. He stared for a bit. Then took a bite of his donut, when he looked up he noticed Stormhammer in the distance running towards the castle. Suddenly Stormhammer stabbed Tyrion and ran into the castle.




Stormhammer stormed through the castle, slashing and hacking as he went. He finally came to the tall tower. He ran up the stairs and into the highest room.


Hekx: Now you’re not allowed to enter the room until...argh!


Stormhammer stabbed the two guards and kneeled down by the person looking out of the window.


Stormhammer: Oh fair one, I am you’re humble servant Sir Stormhammer of the Lucas Forums. I have come to take...oh I’m terribly sorry.

Higginson: You got my note!

Stormhammer: Well I got A note

Higginson: You’ve come to rescue me!

Stormhammer: Well, err, no you see, err.

Higginson: I knew someone would, I knew that someone out there….the must be…..someone….wh…

Kstar: Stop that! Stop that! Who are you?

Higginson: I’m your son

Kstar: No not you

Stormhammer: I am Sit Stormhammer sir

Higginson: He’s come to rescue me father!

Stormhammer: Now lets not jump to conclusions.

Kstar: Did you kill all those guards?

Stormhammer: Err…..oh yes….sorry

Kstar: They cost 50 points each!

Stormhammer: Well I’m awfully sorry, I really….

Higginson: Don’t worry about escape sir Stormhammer I have a rope ready.


Higginson began to climb out of the window.


Kstar: You killed 8 wedding guests and all!

Stormhammer: Well you see the thing is I thought your son was a lady.

Kstar: I can understand that!

Higginson: Hurry sir Stormhammer, Hurry!

Kstar: Shut up! You only killed the brides father!

Stormhammer: Well I really didn’t mean to….

Kstar: Didn’t mean to? You put a sword through his head!

Stormhammer: Oh dear…..is he alright?

Kstar: You even kicked the bride in the chest, this is going to cost me a fortune.

Stormhammer: Well I can explain, I was in the forums riding away from Spamalot and I got this note.

Kstar: Are you from...er….Spamalot?

Higginson: Hurry!

Stormhammer: I am a moderator of Boba Rhett.

Kstar: Would you like to come and have a drink.

Higginson: I’m ready!

Stormhammer: Yes that would be very nice


Kstar cut the rope.


Higginson: Oooh *Splat!*


Ksatr took Stormhammer through the castle, into the main hall where all the mourning guests were.


Kstar: We’re going to have all this knocked through and made into one big…

Padanime: THERE HE IS!!

Kstar: Oh Bloody ‘ell


Stormhammer began to slash at the guards again.


Kstar: Hold it! Hold it! Please

Stormhammer: Sorry, sorry. You see what I mean, I just get carried away. I didn't mean it at all. Sorry, Sorry everyone!

Padanime: He’s killed the best man!

Kstar: Hold it, hold it please! This is Sir Stormhammer Moderator in the Lucas Forums. A very brave and influential Super-mod.

Stormhammer: Hi

Crowd: BOO!

Kstar: Please please!, this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Lets not bicker and argue about who flamed who. We are here today to witness the union of two young people in the joyful bond of holy wedlock. Unfortunately one of them, My son Higgy, has just fallen to his death. But I don’t want to think I’ve lost a son, as much as gained a daughter, since the tragic death of her father.

Padanime: He’s not quite dead.

Kstar: Since the near fatal wounding of her father.

Padanime: He’s getting better.


Kstar Signaled to some guards who got out their swords and headed to the brides’ father.


Kstar: Since her own father, who, when he seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon him.

Brides Father: ARGH!

Crowd: Ooh!

Padanime: He’s died!

Kstar: I want his only daughter to look upon me, as her own dad.

Crowd: *claps*

Padanime: Look! The dead prince!

Concord: He’s not quite dead.

Higginson: Ooh, I feel much better.

Kstar: But you fell out of the tall tower you creep.

Higginson: No. I was saved at the last minute.

Kstar: ‘OW!

Higginson: Well I’ll tell you.

Kstar: Not like that, No Singing!

Concord: Quickly sir, come this way

Stormhammer: No it’s not right for my idiom, I must escape more…..*sigh*

Concord: Dramatically sir?

Stormhammer: Dramatically


Stormhammer swung from a rope, through a window. Only to swing back into the room and just...well...just dangle.


Stormhammer: Err….could somebody give me a push?

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Well as long as I dont read yours it doesn't matter, because then I wont steal Ideas. So it's fine. If its like your episode 1 spoof then Im fine because Its going to be based on the forum members, rather than the film characters.


Oh and here is a treat for you all, the trailer for this spoof.



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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

Well as long as I dont read yours it doesn't matter, because then I wont steal Ideas. So it's fine. If its like your episode 1 spoof then Im fine because Its going to be based on the forum members, rather than the film characters.


Oh and here is a treat for you all, the trailer for this spoof.



lol the leXX part was funney
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Rhett and Obi-wan13 were searching the forums for a signature image. They came to a hut with an old woman in,


Rhett: Old Crone. Is there anywhere in this forum where we could buy a sig image?

LeXX: Arrr, who sent you?

Rhett: The guys who say Ni

LeXX: Argh...No, never. We’ve no sig images here.

Rhett: If you do not tell us where we can buy a sig image, my friend and I will say….we will say….Ni!

LeXX: Do you’re worst!

Rhett: Very well, if you will not assist us voluntarily…..Ni!

LeXX: Ah! No, never no sig images!

Rhett: Ni!

Obi-wan13: Noo, noo!

Rhett: No no no its not that its Ni, ni

Obi-wan13: Noo

Rhett: No no, you’re not doing it right its Ni

Obi-wan13: Noo, N..nnn...Ni!

Rhett: Ni, that’s it.

Both: Ni, Ni, Ni!

CoupeS: Are you saying Ni to that woman?

Rhett: Erm...Yes

CoupeS: Ooooh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni, at will to ladies. There is a petulance upon this forum, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design Sig images are under considerable economic stress at this period in history.

Rhett: Did you sat Sig images?

CoupeS: Yes… Sig Images are my trade, I am a Sig...ger, My name is Roger the Sigger, I arrange, design and make sig images.

Obi-wan13: Ni!

Rhett: No, no no no!


Rhett and Obi-wan13 returned to the guys of Ni.


Rhett: Oh guys of Ni. We have brought you you’re sig image, may we go now?

Darklighter: It is a good sig image. I like the pink particularly, but there is one small problem.

Rhett: What is that?

Darkligther: We are now no longer the guys who say Ni.

Tyrion: Ni

Padanime: Sssh

Darkligther: We are now the guys who say….eki-eki-eki-eki-tzupang-zzupboing-zarmmunum. Therefore we must give you a test.

Rhett: What is this test oh guys of...guys who until recently said Ni?

Darklighter: Firstly….you must find….ANOTHER SIG IMAGE!

Rhett: Not another Sig Image!

Darkligther: Then, when you have found the sig image, you must place it here beside this sig image, but slightly lower, giving it a two level effect….Then! When you have found the sig image, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forum, with…...A HERRING!!

Rhett: We shall do no such thing!

Darkligther: Oh, please?

Rhett: Cut down a tree with a herring, it can’t be done.

Guys of Ni: AAAH!

Darkligther: Dont say that word!

Rhett: What word?

Darkligther: I cannot tell, suffice to say is one of the words the guys of ni cannot hear!

Rhett: How can we not say the word if you don't tell us what it is?

Guys of Ni: Ah!

Darklighter: He said the word again!

Rhett: What IS?

Darklighter: No not is, you wouldn’t get very far in life not saying is.

Obi-wan13: My liege, It’s Sir Spy!

Minstrels: And packing it in, and sneaking away and buggering off, and chickening out and pissing off home, yes bravely he is throwing in the fun.

Rhett: Spy!

SPY: My Liege.. It’s good to see you!

Guys of Ni: AH!

Rhett: Surely you’ve not given up you’re quest for the holy thing.

Minstrels: He is sneaking away and bugge…

SPY: Shut up! No no, no. Far from it

Guys of Ni: Ah! He said the word again!

SPY: I was looking for it

Guys of Ni: AH!!

SPY: Here in this forest.

Rhett: No it is far from this place.

Guys of Ni: AAAH!

Darklighter: Ah! Stop saying the word!

Rhett: Oh Stop it!

Guys of Ni: Argh!

Darklighter: Oh he said it again!


Rhett, Spy and Obi rode off.


Darklighter: Wait I said it! I said it again! And again, that’s three its! AH!

Guys of Ni: AAAAH!!!!

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