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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Are you talking about having multilple saved games or what?


If he isn't...I probably will. I like to try out different scenarios in similar situations. I did it with Dungeon Siege, for example...had different characters with different abilities going through the same areas just to see how it panned out.


So given the apparent versatility of JA in this regard, I will probably start a couple of games using differently configured characters. Although the first levels might be similar, when you get the ability to choose dual sabers or the dualstaff, and choices between light and dark side force powers, it will be interesting to play through the game kind of in parallel to see how it changes for each character.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

That would be really boring :) No I prefer to do play it differently every time I play JA, not at the same time though...


Agreed, I'm only going to have one saved game at a time. That's good enough for me, because there will be other games I will be playing - namely KOTOR, so I don't want to put all my time into one game. So many games to play, so little time...:D

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Originally posted by Emon

Being able to choose your own missions as well as create your own character, choose Force powers and even build your own lightsaber adds so much to replayability it's not even funny.

Definitely. You could probably play through ten times and still not use all the options...
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Originally posted by HertogJan

And still... I think the 'non linearity' (sp?) is going to be dissapointing. There are a lot of games that should have non-linear gameplay, but in most cases it was just plain bull**** :(

Why? What are the problems?
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i think its gonna be just like tachyon (i loved that game)


u just choose when you wanna do the missions and some you can probably skip (but why would you want to)


in this game instead of choosing sides near the begining though they say its gonna be decided on how you act or something

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Originally posted by CanadianSurfer

Why not just have one character?

This is certainly the way I'll be playing it. When I pick my options, it will probably be because they are the ones I'm most keen on anyways.
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I will probably set up multiple Characters. One that will be the typical hero and be all good and beats evil, then have a character that kind of strays into evil to save the day, then the one who becomes evil but comes back to the good side at the end, then finally a character who is so evil, it makes Lucifer/Satan/Prince of Darkness look like saint.

I will do this because I feel that in order to experience the whole game, you need to be able to inspect every aspect of the game, not just straight through be a hero like Katarn.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

But without civilians to kill, you can't be really EVIL can you? Only the forcepowers you choose make you go to the dark/lightside of the force :(


Oh, and you forgot Beezlebub (or whatever ;))


I agree. I still wish there was a morality meter in place, so every time you kill a civilian, you swing further to the Dark side. It worked well in JK. Although by choosing your Dark side Force powers you are making a conscious choice to be Evil, killing civilians and doing really nasty things in the game would seem far more realistic, IMHO. I think the only reason they're not allowing it is because they probably don't want to get into a Vice City or Postal scenario - it's probably considered a bad influence on the young, or something. :rolleyes:


Hopefully, someone will be able to make a mod or something later on...


BTW, it's Beelzebub. ;)

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

The first time i beat it i play the game based on my sense, but don't you want to see the other endings and stuff.

I'll probably go through as a good guy and then a bad guy. Other than that, I won't try and play every different nuance of the game.


Besides, there's multiplayer too :)

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Its like in the movie XxX with Vin Diesel when he steals the corvette and starts talking about the senator he says," You remember Dick, he was the guy that said all video games breed violence and disturb the education of America. C"mon Dick, its the only education we got. ":)

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