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Oh. My. God.


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You know, last night, I was thinking, well dreaming, and then it hit me. Hit me like a wet sock. This theory explains everything!


When Elaine and LeChuck went out, they had a baby. They called it Joey and when he was 3 he ran off to be a pirate like his dady. His daddy fell into the ocean trying to save him. Anyway Joey got amnesia and though his name was Guybrush Threepwood because he'd seen it on a sleazy film he was watching in a cheap motel. He was 5. Anyway, living mainly on cheese and grass, he grew up and wanted to vary his diet. He liked kippers, so he wanted to be a sailor or a pirate. He made a ship out of cardboard boxes and then when it sank, he washed up on Melee. His mother didn't recognise him because he was now 18 and she was 35. They DIDN'T realize their attraction to each other was because they were mother and son! Ar har har har! So anyway, they continued an incestious relationship, and LeChuck was so grossed out he tried to kidnap Elaine, whom he had divorced anyway, and kill Guybrush so that nobody need ever know. But he got killed or whatever and they lived for a while with their weird relationship, until one night Elaine heard him mutter, "Mama! Mama! By BooBoo Hurts!" in his sleep and realized in horror she'd slept with her son, whereby she packed up and left in the middle of the night. However, she was already pregnant, and since the genetics were so closely related, the baby was called Largo and grew up 20 times faster than an average human and hated his brother and father, Guybrush. He also had two heads but hid the other one in his pocket. But LeChuck wanted to turn things back because they were too gross, so he went back in time. However he messed up and found himself being born by elaine, and Guybrush was the daddy.



So! Guybrush is Largos brother AND father, Elaine is his mother and LeChuck is his daddy and brother, and Bart and Fink are their grandparents, so Largo is LeChucks brother and step father, or something.

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Hey mr MyMiPage! At least I managed to concuct a tale that includes a father and a son that are also brothers and PROBABLY sisters. And you're irish too!


Actually, I've a funny story about an irishman. This irish guy was on a train in London, one of the tube trains, and then he suddenly swore, got up and pulled the cord. The train stopped and the guard came in and asked who'd pulled it, and the irish guy was red in the face and put up his hand. "Why?!" The guard said, getting angry, because he could see nothing was wrong. And the irish guy said, "I left my jacket on the platform!" And the guard took one look at him and said, "You're IRISH, AREN'T you!?"


That was a true story, and I know the man. He never got his jacket back.

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What were you smoking when you came up with that? this is Jerry Springer waiting to happen.


Originally posted by Yufster

You know, last night, I was thinking, well dreaming, and then it hit me. Hit me like a wet sock. This theory explains everything!


oh right, okay, you ate cheese and marshmellows before bed didn't you?

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  • 1 month later...

um.. yeah I have a better theory.

yeah guybrush was wahed overboard as a kid and washed up on Mele Island 16 years later where he wanted to become a pirate but while he was in ythe sea for 16 years he found this magic Monkey which gave him super powers and allowed him to see into an alternate reality and Guybrush realised how ****ed up everything was so he killed himself only to realise he couldn't die so he swam to a cave under the ocean where he met a friendly octopus called Furgus and Fergus tells guybrush that he's guybrush's father and then they swim u.... no hang on, Iv'e gone wrong somewhere,


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