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Dont mess up Multiplayer Like Last Time


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You guys really need to realease a multiplayer test.


The balancing issues of Outcast were horrible.


You would patch it and another exploit would be found.


The exploits and abuse of 1 move spamming is what killed multiplayer(Yes I know ppl still play). The multiplayer community lost a LOT of people.


I know you probably wont release a multiplayer test because you want to keep everything a big secret, but you proved in Outcast that you could not handle the multiplayer testing on your own.


Single player only lasts so long. Multiplayer can keep the game going forever.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

With a title like this, I'm sure raven won't even CONSIDER reading this thread :rolleyes:


And no they won't release an MP test, because LEC doesn't want to, for as far as I know. And the gameplay of JO wasn't that bad :mad:


Yes. I would change it if I could. I was trying to troll for attention.


I hearby change the title to "What will Raven do to ensure multiplayer does not have the balancing problems it did in Outcast?"


I don't think anyone can deny that the multiplayer abuses/issues drove players away.

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There were some issues, but they nerfed some aspects too radical too, making it better in some, and worse in some places...


I guess that happens to a game with force powers, a lightsaber AND guns! That's pretty unique and with so many possibilities, come so many flaws, unfortunately :(


But I must say it got better with a few patches, I thin 1.04 is the best patch anywayz...

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

JO mp was great. what r u talking about???




It's not rocket science. i'm talking about the problems with patches. The fiasco Raven had trying to fix balancing issues.


I don't think I can spell it out any more than that.


Which version are was great for you?


When did I ever say MP was bad?

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Originally posted by leXX

I have changed the title of the thread, and you really don't need to swear to get attention, especially when it is against the rules.


Whaaaat? I was trying to spell Fudge, but I messed up ;)

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If the improvement we saw in JO over JK a month after it was announced was say, a 2 (arbitrary number), the improvement we've seen in JA over JA in the same time period is probably around a 20. Or higher.


In other words, they've taken huge steps in the right direction. Huge.

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Im pretty satisfied with the damagescale for the specials in 1.04, no move is really über.


What I do hope they find a solution for is people who uses scripts. No key should be allowed to perform multiple actions with one key press.


The only time I felt specials can be spammed is when someone is exploiting the "bug" to get out of the 2-3 second "paralisation" that occurs after it's been done.


other than that and a tiny bit to low damage from the lightsaber I think they managed ok. Oh, and the sometimes extreme blocking. I don't mind people blocking my throws while they're idle, but as soon as they do ANYTHING they should have opened their defenses.

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Originally posted by Mero Vilul

Im pretty satisfied with the damagescale for the specials in 1.04, no move is really über.

I don't think the problem is with the special moves, but the basic saber swings. The damage for those is just too low to be useful. It's a lightsaber for crying out loud! :)
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Originally posted by Prime

When you said "don't mess up Multiplayer like last time"? When you said "The balancing issues of Outcast were horrible". And so on...





Im specifically talking about the time it took them to patch things. The problems those patches created etc...


I like the current version.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

U see Prime i am not the only one who noticed some stuff in JO ;)

And he also mentioned that by the current version (1.04) that these problems have been fixed, and he likes the current version. There were definitely big bugs in the older versions, but these have been rectified for some time.


You do have patch 1.04, don't you? :)

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What league was that?


I was in a league. I was kicking ass until I played someone who ONLY used DFA. It came down to one hit and I got sabered through the ground.


I was so disgusted I quit the league. Back then people thought dueling meant DFA vs DFA.


Medium style was ass compared to heavy then, but I held my own.


That was an older version of course.

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Well, regardless, a public multiplayer beta would be nice to at least kick the tires on. Even if it's only one or two maps, it'd be nice to have the chance to try things out, report back to Raven, and then see some changes implemented.


There are many many things that could be done to improve things next time around. Truly lethal sabres, no special moves that are more powerful than other moves (to avoid spamming), balanced force powers, interesting guns that have a real star wars feel to 'em, etc. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Talking about clanbase, not that i was in clanbase but i beated the #2 and could not beat #1. I used medium style i kicked everyone ass


...maybe if you spoke English we could: 1. Know what you are talking about. 2. Not constantly contradict yourself which makes you look like an idiot.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

I aint retarded i was #2 in the world dueler. Dont tell me about jk2.... ill know more than ull ever know..... :jawa




Perhaps, but when you say things like in this thread. :


Its [JO] just so damn buggy, u have to to the same stuff again to have it work. I cant really explain this but ill try:


1. There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more

2. If u have a high ping ur certain to lose

3. U just slash and slash and slash and hopefully to hit something.

4. Like i said u have to do everything again with that i mean that if u just slash left, and u keep on continuing the guys is certain to die, left left leftleft ooops i hit the guy, heheh nice, lets do it again left left left left.


But take it from me (i was #2 dueler in jk2 when i played the game) the only one i could nog defeat was PAnick. He was #1 @ clanbase. U know why? He was a bug exploiter. It may sound a little strange but the crouch hit WAS and IS a bug. And about slashing and stuff just take my word that it sucked and was buggy.


I had the same ping as the other guys so no lags.

The guy crocuhed and he hit sometimes i blocked, sometimes it hit me when i was like 2 meters away and there was like NO way he could of hit me. But then the other times when standing on the same spot with the same ping he did not hit me. Just trust me on this one when i say the gameplay was not that good.


Sorry if I'm not impressed. You don't come across as some one who will "know more than ull ever know". Besides, how the hell do you know you were the #2 dueler in JO? I'm sure there are a lot of guys who would dispute that claim. What are you basing this on? You came second in one tournament? And because you lost you say the #1 guy was cheating? LOL. :p


Well enough bickering with 16 year old "l33t d00ds"...


Now to get the thread back on track...


Originally posted by Solo4114

There are many many things that could be done to improve things next time around. Truly lethal sabres, no special moves that are more powerful than other moves (to avoid spamming), balanced force powers, interesting guns that have a real star wars feel to 'em, etc. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.

Increasing saber damage to make them lethal would be enough to make me happy right off the bat. Like you say, balance is key. For special moves, I don't mind if one does more damage as others, as long as there is also a bigger drawback. Personally, I'd like to have more blaster-type weapons, just for Star Wars reasons :)
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