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You can't choose your characters name in JA


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Speaking of which, and this is somewhat off topic now, if you take one of our infamous "force long posts" and feed it into readplease and pick the "Sam" voice (the old guy), and put it at the slowest speed, it is really.... really funny.










(Or else I really, really, need to get a life!)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Speaking of which, and this is somewhat off topic now, if you take one of our infamous "force long posts" and feed it into readplease and pick the "Sam" voice (the old guy), and put it at the slowest speed, it is really.... really funny.


I bet it is. :D I'll have to try that. ;)

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Originally posted by Solo4114

I don't mind it so much. We'll still be able to create our own names in multiplayer, so the customizing experience won't be totally out of the question.

True enough.


I guess I am over reacting. :)


Originally posted by Emon


What are you so upset about these days? :confused:
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if you think about in the game then it could only mean bad things like. An example is that instead of luke, kyle, etc.. wouldn't be able to talk and you'd have to read it so they could but it your name. Another reason is that you don't want the to refer to you as "him", "the new jedi". It just wouldn't work without them using a name already chosen. However it would be great if they had a big list of names, and for multiplayer you choose ur name.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Being called a Padawan (by fellow Jedi) or Jedi (by civilians etc) or ******* (by your enemies... hey they gotta do something when you don't have a name ;)) all the time, can be quite annoying I think :D

True. But is there really going to be that much dialog in this game that it would be a problem? It is a FPS after all :D
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(I still think to call it something different than FPS lol, action/adventure paahaps)


Well, when you think about it JKII , and JK, and DF all had conciderable amounts of cutscenes and story sequences compared to say.... QII? So I think "yes" you will need to have something that the in game people can adress you with.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

(I still think to call it something different than FPS lol, action/adventure paahaps)


Well, when you think about it JKII , and JK, and DF all had conciderable amounts of cutscenes and story sequences compared to say.... QII?

That's a good point.
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I don't even think a name is given to your character...by you or by the game.


IGNs article states:

Instead of taking on the role of a specific character as in the previous games in the series, Jedi Academy places players in the role of an anonymous Jedi apprentice, studying under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker and former Jedi Knight hero Kyle Katarn at the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4


Maybe you won't even get a name, period. Just a consideration.

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