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I know this may be trivial, but the quote is "I have an unbreakable five game deal with lucasarts," (when Guybrush asks why she keeps popping up.)


As far as concrete evidence, well, the guys at lucasarts say that they have a ton of ideas for Monkey Island, and they say they will definitely revisit the worlds of Monkey Island sometime in the future. That's the best I can come up with offhand.

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Originally posted by james_isaac

Also in one of the MI games (I can't remember which) the voodoo lady says something like:


"I have an unbreakable 5 game contract with Lucas Arts!"


Yup. It's in Escape From Monkey Island (MI4), when you encounter the Voodoo Lady.

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I wonder if they might base MI5 (should it happen) on that pirate movie with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom and I forget who else? Geoffrey Rush I think? Based on the pirate ride at Disney Land. We all know MI was based on that ride and that the movie is gonna be based on the ride. Does anyone get what I'm trying to say?

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Originally posted by SCUMMinator2k

But LucasArts released a press thingy a while back and MI5 was supposedly on the list of games in development for 2003/04.


That was probably just a mistake.


But I do remember that on the GFN, there was a quote from an interview with a worker from LucasArts. He said that there was definetly going to be a MI5 some time in the future, and that there might be a GF2!


I'll see if I can find it.

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I found it!:D


Here it is:


PCZ: Are there any other popular franchises that LucasArts will re-visit?

There'll definately be another Monkey Island game. You've seen four incredibly well-done versions of Monkey Island, and there's an immense amount of stories that remain to be told within that series. And not only that series -- I mean Grim Fandango especially, we'd love to revisit that one day. Sadly, Tim Schaffer probably won't be involved, but we don't think that means the property has to suffer at all. You look at somebody like Sean Clarke, who's involved as director of Full Throttle II. Sean's extremely talented, and I think he'll bring an interesting perspective to Full Throttle, in the same way someone could do with a sequel to Grim Fandango.

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I think they'll make it after Sam & Max 2 and Full Throttle 2 has come out. They'll see what was wrong with them, then make those improvements on MI5.


But Sam & Max 2 is coming out next year, and the game would take about a year to develop, so it could be quite a wait!:(

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