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I have a HUGE issue with the Gammorean Gaurd... It looks bad, especially with his arm poking trhough his side. I know it's hard work making these models, but I mean YOUR KYLE MODEL AND TEXTURES ARE AWSOME but YOUR PIG MODEL AND TEXTURES BLOW! I'm sure it'll be better latter, but I just wanted to address this issue. Btw most eveything about this mod is great...

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I would have to agree with you on the Gamorrean, and I believe it should be redone.


Of the models we currently have (and I've seen), the ones that seem to really need work are Jabba and the Gamorrean. HapSlash is currently working on a version of the Gamorrean, and I think it's coming along fairly well. I'm trying to get him involved in the project, and this was something he was wanting to do anyway......


....and that brings me to another point about replacing the work someone makes/offers to the project in general.


It's somewhat a delicate situation, as the people have offered their work and effort to the Mod, and to redo that work takes some pride away from the person.


However, I do believe in the old saying "One bad apple spoils the bunch". We need to maintain a level of quality that won't allow one part to bring down the rest of the project. To go along and see everything looking fine, then an eyesore leaps out at you......


I don't mean to offend any work done, but in a way it is "business". While I see alot of leeway (we're volunteers after all), I feel that something so glaring needs to be reconsidered.


I'm trying to make an effort to share my opinion and offer solutions as necessary, and I think everything will work out well. We all hold a great respect for work someone does on the project, even if we need to change our plans further down the line.




Edit: Restructured it to have more what I was trying to say. Wrote it late night after a long day and little sleep. :D

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Ahhh yes,... Ol' Sausage Legs!


I usually don't like putting down anyone's work,... but the shapeless mass of the guards legs, combined with the texture of the model's skin, thoroughly reminds me of uncooked green sausage links. :dev7:


I've started on my own Gamorrean model, and I do have some in-progress shots I can post,... if anyone is interested.




Technically I don't think a playable version of Jabba is necessary, but a model is needed for the scene. It would also be nice if his mouth would move when he speaks, which should be easy enough to do. I know of the model they did plan on using and I have to say that I find it quite 'lacking',...

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Well, we can just make a Jabba npc that's weighted to speak. Maybe try to weight him so he looks like his torso moves a tiny bit, while the rest of his body being fairly stationary.


Would have to work with it, but I doubt it would be all that hard, and would look pretty decent in the end.

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Originally posted by michael_collins

Have any of you guys flicked through the rest of that site? its quite the sight, lol pun intended...is there any way the team can kidnap most of the modelers ?


Well, we could probably do stuff with that quality too, but you're forgetting something.... something very important.


With JO, we're limited in the 3000 - 4000 poly range. The models on that site easily climb 15,000 or higher..... Like on their battle droid model.


Just one PART of the head on that model can have more poly's than a normal JO model. For the whole battledroid head, we could get 3 JO models.... Just imagine how much we could get for the whole body's poly count. ;)

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posted by michael_collins

Ive also been to Hapslash's site and its superb....id really like to see the snow trooper on MP.

Thanks,... But I wouldn't say that the site is superb though, I've always thought of it as a disorganized nightmare. I really should take the time to go through and fix/update it. But I'm glad you like the snow trooper, and here's a more recent pic.






posted by Temujin

I'd like to see that model of that Gamorean Gaurd HapSlash...

Here it is,... I haven't finished the textures for it, but I think I'm pretty much done with the mesh.



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Although the Gaurd's face isn't too good, it TOTALLY beats the **** out of anything other model Guard. The Snowtrooper rocks, and it's really smooth. You got some good skills, and challenge those of the DF MOD models. (THE DF Kyle is hard to beat) Maybe the DF MOD makers will take your pig model because it's good (I can't emphasive enough that the one they have SUCKS REALLY HARD ****)...:headbump:punch1

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Originally posted by infinity_blade

Well, we could probably do stuff with that quality too, but you're forgetting something.... something very important.


With JO, we're limited in the 3000 - 4000 poly range. The models on that site easily climb 15,000 or higher.....


...and another important issue: we currently only have the ability to use the _humanoid skeleton (I know, I keep harping on this issue.. sorry. ).


Since we're presumably doing an ROQ cutscene, wouldn't it be possible to do the whole cutscene in 3DSMax and export it as a series of jpegs to be compiled into the .ROQ?

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Originally posted by JediStone

Since we're presumably doing an ROQ cutscene, wouldn't it be possible to do the whole cutscene in 3DSMax and export it as a series of jpegs to be compiled into the .ROQ?

sure, we did it this way for the demo :)


The biggest problem with those files: they will get huge! there is a difference between a 200 MB and a 600 MB mod...


So scripting interpreter is highly appreciated ;)

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No offense-I must make comment on this mod. Your unfinished dark trooper model looks like it was taken right out of DF, I think it would be a waste of a good engine to port the models/textures right from DF. Your level textures, judging by the screenshots, were copied from DF. Why limit this mod to being a rehash of DF? Why not spice up the graphics some and give me reason to play it?



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not a single texture or piece of art is "right out of Dark Forces." They have all been redone at 4 to 8 times the original resolution. We are choosing to be faithful to the look and feel of the game, but saying we aren't "spicing up" the graphics is crazy. Have you played the demo yet?

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I played the demo moments before I posted. I just found the game to be too "familiar". I can't see any real advantages over DF. However, I think if you folks do a nice job with Jabbas Ship and with the weapons, this will keep on being a good mod.


-PS- Will there be dianogas?

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The demo does not contain the Dark Trooper.

And since JO is a completely different engine compared to DF, we can't use anything from DF. All stuff is currently being recreated for DFMOD!


Are you sure you played the DFMOD demo and not the original DF demo itself? :D

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