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To all the soon to be jedi

Kaiser Spaso

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I don't want to step on your...ewok, but this reminds me of something the Devs said a while ago. Don't make a Jedi PA, because the chances of every member becoming a Jedi are very slim (the Devs themselves said this, about 6 months ago. I guess they were getting angry about all the Jedi PAs).


I just felt like saying this. I'm sorry.

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Like jackrabbit said, One of the first FAQ's the DEV's put out for SWG they said that there was a slim chance of becomming a Jedi.

They also said that "if" by chance you do become a Jedi its going to be one of the hardest paths in the game to play. I myself for one wouldn't band a PA.

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i'm glad there wont be a jedi PA (well there probably wont) cause if one jedi gets in fight with other ppl, PA comes to help, and all ppl slaughtered, and there would just be an increasing jedi population, if none would die cause their PA would help them out

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HA...........What light sabre would that be.....There will be no jedi when i am done........And lets say hypotheticly there is a "jedi" that can beat me.......Then what...My Lord will do a great job rearanging your face.........But remember i will lead an army of Bounty hunters to the front door of anyone who even speaks the word "Jedi.... Think about the odds........Scum....

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Originally posted by Kaiser Isaac

.........But remember i will lead an army of Bounty hunters to the front door of anyone who even speaks the word "Jedi.... Think about the odds........Scum....


fun...Jedi hunting, that is one of the only reasons i want to be a BH

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Yeah me and my cousin are gonna be doing that we are going to wander around togeth for life and death purposes....We wont reavel that we are jedi untill we are masters........We like a good chalange evry once in a while........And if we come across othewr jedi we will probably join up with them....Or kill them for being so foolish as to tell us that they are jedi...J/K i know the whole keeper of the peace stuff....

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The devs have said many times that becoming a Jedi would be extrordinarily rare. In fact, becoming a Jedi is about as close to "winning the game" as you can get. There have been multiple posts from the devs covering this and has been covered in articles and in interviews. If the devs say that it's going to be rare, believe me, there's not going to be enough Jedi in the entire galaxy to even form a PA.


At this time, there are only two Jedi out there: Yoda and Darth, Obi-Wan is dead and Luke is still having problems "trusting his feelings." So I really don't think that the devs would make becoming a jedi very easy, or they would ruin the continuity of the story. So to be honest, I would not count on becoming a Jedi, instead, just shoot for making your character the best you can make them, and maybe with a little extreme luck, your FS slot might open...... and then someone will kill you, because once that opens its not a matter of if you'll die, but when.

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I've been following this discussion for a while, and the more I see, the more points towards the fact that force sensitive slots will not be that unique. I guess most players will at leas unlock it after a year or so.


BUT, jedi will be rare. Most FCS avatars will propably die before they even have a chanse to build their lightsabre. Those who survive that long will propably die before they reach the Jedi Knight stage.


This is good. It will require a really, really good player who both knows the game, is cunning and daring to become a jedi master. This makes it an interesting challange which a lot of people can pursue at the same time, without having the server swamped with lightsaber duels. Becuase most of the people trying to become jedi will never get past the step where they are exactly the same as other players, but with permadeath. So the rest of us wouldn't see any difference between them and the average brawler.


The players who want continuity are happy. The people who wants a chance to work extremely hard to become jedi are happy. The only ones who are not happy are those who want to be jedi instantly, and run around with dual flailing lightsabers at all times. But noone cares about them anyway, and they can go play Jedi Knight instead! :D

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Good point's from setsuko there also bear in mind becoming a Jedi is based on luck and many people who want it won't get it as they will become something else.


My personal aim is to be a bounty hunter starting off with a rifleman profession i think all you Jedi's should think first just incase all your work trying and praying doesn't work and youv'e wasted alot of your effort's trying to be the hardest thing in the game.


Try to gave a relistic plan as well guy's like i have *Think Rifleman*;)

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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

Ok yeah i wasn't thinking......no PA.But i will be a jedi...that is my solemn promise to all of you i will not rest till i become a jedi no matter what

You have NO idea how many people have said the exact same words before you....:)


I think about over 200 now... ..*sighs*

I dont like to be rude and all./... its just... if you wanna be jedi so much.. play JK games..... in SWG its near IMPOSSIBLE to become even jedi apprentice.....and thats the easiest part.. :)


all i say.. choose a different profession.. and if after that.. you become FS (and you will MOST likely NOT!) then go man.. but dont get your hopes up.

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Originally posted by little brother

Amen to that Wraith. I see alot of people in Games that set there Goals to high to reach. And when they finally realize they can't reach them or they set there standards too high they blame the game. One of many things I despise. :mad:

yeah well... you will see a lot of people dissin SWG just because they dont get to be jedi.... well Boo f****** hoo....... you should have read the FAQ better :D and listen to the devs.. they say it clearly enough dont you think? hehe... a lot of dissapointed people are gonna leave the game..... a lot.
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