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I wonder.

little brother

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I don't think that any side will eventually dominate the game. I think that in the same way an economy or market evens itself out with supply and demand, so will the balance between the Rebels and the Imperials even themselves out.


Think about it, if you are on a world that is just overran with Imperials, not only would this not be very fun if you were an Imperial, but personally, I would become a Rebel then, just to see if I could overcome the odds. Most people would do this too I think, or some of the Imperials would switch sides just so they could have somebody to fight. I know that there are some planets that have a heavier presence of one side or the other, but on the whole I think the galaxy will be pretty leveled out as far as sides go.

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I don't know about the sides being even. When this games goes underway and has been around for some time. Just like any other MMORPG's the new players almost always join the stronger side. This I think is going to seriously put an Impact on the balance on the game, it could go one way or the other. Now if the Game developers could develop a system for a maximum # of people that could join a faction at any one time. (Lets say 1500 People per faction per server untill people either quit or go perma dead.) In this case there would have to be a waiting list.

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In most polls I've seen, Reb and Imp are pretty close, so I'm not worried.


I agree that there should be some way of keeping the sides at the right numbers, but I don't think they should limit our choices. The only thing I can think of, like Reaper said, is MAKE people want to switch sides.

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I hope this isn't too off subject, but... I know that as an Empirical player you can lead stormtroopers and At-Ats etc into battle, can the Rebels do that? i.e. lead a bunch of rag-tag, poorly trained tailors-with-blasters into battle?


P.S. No bias intended :skul5:

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Personally I hope the Dark side does.
Dark Side only involves Jedi. A normal Non FS person doesn't have a clue what the dark side is nor do I feel that the DS can influence a person. We call the DS, non FS people, emotions such as revenge, hatred, anger, jealousy.


Now, I think like JR said, that it will be pretty evenly distributed. Neither side, do I think, will have the advantage in the long run. But maybe the Emp. will have better technology, who knows.

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