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X-Men 2 review **some spoilers**


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this is your brain: :)


this is your brain after you've seen X-Men 2: :drop2:




I give this movie a two big :thumbs1:

(That means that I liked it)


There were no disappointments at all. Hugh Jackman IS Wolverine, no questions about it, when it comes to casting an actor to a role of a superhero, there are only two better jobs done in movie history, the first was Christopher Reeves as superman, the second was Jack Nicholson as the Joker.

The plot was pretty straightforward, no real twists or anything. But who needs twists when it comes to the X-Men? This movie also lays down the basis for the next movie, which I am sure many of you will recognize right away. There are also a couple of mutant cameos:

from showing mutants such as Shadowcat, Collussus, Siryn, the Beast, Jubilee, to showing just the names of a few mutants like Remy Lebeau (Gambit), and Franklin Richards (of Reed Richards lineage)

. William Stryker is a decent villain, but he's not top notch villain quality, the way Magneto is. I'd like to see a better villain in the next movie, whether its Magneto or not. Hopefully they can get Apocalypse or Mister Sinister into the next movie. All in all, this is a great movie, it ties in well with the first movie, and stands up on its own as well.

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Umm..yes...****in awesome movie...


Soiled myself during the entire movie. Far better than the first. Consistent throughout the whole movie, plus Nightcrawler kicked major ass.


I agree with Ky , Hugh Jackman is Wolverine, from the grittiness to just being kickass.


The only thing i hated about it was the fact that they left the ending as a cliffhanger...why the hell do directors do that?

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Needs Archangel (originally just Angel) in the next movie, as well as Beast, they formed the original X-Men and they aren't even represented in the movie, except for

the non-furry Beast, who makes an appearance as Dr.Hank McCoy for about 10 seconds.

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Yeah it was good, although I didnt think it was as good as the first.


Eitherway the reason there are many mutants missing atm is that they started from the begining of the comics (as in cartoons on paper not the animated series), the comics slowly added the different characters. X-men films will at the very least become a trilogy, although I wouldn't be surprised if they are still making them in 10 years time. Just aslong as they dont make too many too often.

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Man, that flick was some smooth shizz, dawgs!


1) Rogue is hot. I've had a thing for Anna Paquin since Fly Away Home.



Loved Magneto's escape scene!



3) Hugh Jackman kicks ass.


4) (not movie-related) Cyclops was my fave.


5) When do we get to see the *real* costumes!? It's all about the blue and yellow!

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Eitherway the reason there are many mutants missing atm is that they started from the begining of the comics



No they didn't, if that were true, then there would be 5 X-Men, Iceman, Cyclops, Beast, Angel, and Jean Grey, as well as Professor X. And Magneto would be the only bad guy. Mutants such as Wolverine and Storm didn't join the X-Men for years after the comic began.

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Originally posted by Kylilin

No they didn't, if that were true, then there would be 5 X-Men, Iceman, Cyclops, Beast, Angel, and Jean Grey, as well as Professor X. And Magneto would be the only bad guy. Mutants such as Wolverine and Storm didn't join the X-Men for years after the comic began.



Well I thought it was a better excuse than "well we thought the other mutants kinda sucked so we didnt include them".



ps. I didn't think Rogue looked anywhere near as fit in X-men 2 as X-men 1

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if they expect me to see any of these x-men movies, they're going to have to step up and satisfy my demands.



[*]Gambit, played by Brad Pitt

[*]Omega Red

[*]Work Sexy Goth Vampires into the story

[*]Sexy Goth Vampires work for Omega Red

[*]Omega Red is the good guy and he kicks tremendous amounts of ass


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Originally posted by benTantilles

where was gambit shown? missed him...tho i caught hank's cameo.


Gambit wasn't actually shown, but when Mystique hacked into Stryker's computer, the name LeBeau, Remy was visible in the split-second we saw the list of names.


As for Gambit/Rogue sparkage, they may very well decide to turn Gambit into a tween (as they have with Bobby and Rogue and Kurt), and set up a Bobby/Rogue/Remy triangle next film.


Oh, and according to someone's account of the novel (which I have in my possession, but haven't had time to read), Hank's transformation from athletic human to blue-furred creature happens off-camera (possibly triggered by the events of the film).


With luck, Gambit and Beast will be in the next one, and Colossus will have a more pronounced role than running off when things get rough. :roleyess: Hopefully Storm will also have a bigger role. Two movies now, and she's basically just a walking superpower. Give her some character dammit! That bit with Kurt about her "anger" just came out of nowhere.


And I think we know at least one thing that will happen next movie --X3: Phoenix Rising (not official title).

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ok...1. Omega Red is a bad guy, so sorry nute,no major kickassage

2. Why does brad pitt as gambit, sound like a good idea.

3. Cyclops is a pansy

4. They need to have Angel in it...just as good as cyclops, just not as gay.

5. I assume that there will be countless spin offs with each character in them...atleast it sounds like instant money.

6. Colusses should have a larger role because he was introduced in one of the most bad ass sequences of the movie.

7. I am not held legally responsible for what ive said.

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I think a Wolverine spinoff movie will probably be made, so maybe then Nute will get to see his beloved Omega Red. personally, i'd like to see more focus on the Weapon X project, including the old crew like Maverick and Deadpool.

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Therein lies the issue.


Monica Bellucci is significantly older than myself, whereas Anna Paquin is only like three months younger than me.




Rogue is a good guy that I couldn't actually touch. Persephone is a bad guy that would sense my emotions (which is creepy) and has none of her own.


Normal people just say "dude she's hot." I have to analyze every facet of the character AND actress. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray



if they expect me to see any of these x-men movies, they're going to have to step up and satisfy my demands.



[*]Gambit, played by Brad Pitt

[*]Omega Red

[*]Work Sexy Goth Vampires into the story

[*]Sexy Goth Vampires work for Omega Red

[*]Omega Red is the good guy and he kicks tremendous amounts of ass



Brad Pitt? As Gambit? I can't honestly see it myself. Christopher Lambert would be better.


Also it lacks Juggernought. I never read the comics, but I used to watch the cartoon. When is he suppoed to become a prominent character?

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Gambit wasn't actually shown, but when Mystique hacked into Stryker's computer, the name LeBeau, Remy was visible in the split-second we saw the list of names


right. thanx, fly.


Brad Pitt? As Gambit? I can't honestly see it myself

neither can i. besides, having someone as young as ann paquin's character go for someone like pitt's a bit incredible. literally.

i can't really think of a more suitable actor, tho.




what's gonna happen with jean?

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What will happen to Jean? you mean the flaming eyes didn't give you any hints, nor did the end shot of the water?



Jean grey will turn into phoenix



personally I think the Didn't portray Nightcrawlers Teleportation ability correctly. I mean, if he is so scared about 'porting the the door, what about when he saves rogue from her fall?


Need less bobby/rogue, going to confuse a lot of people when Gambit shows up.


perssonally, there is no reason to do anyhting with Jean grey next movie. She can wait for #4. What we really need is Rogue to have some fun with a ceratin super babe and steal her powers.


ANd i agree, Storm needs a better role then jsut a person with super powers to move along the plot

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

personally I think the Didn't portray Nightcrawlers Teleportation ability correctly. I mean, if he is so scared about 'porting the the door, what about when he saves rogue from her fall?


Saving Rogue (and 'porting through midair) didn't risk ending up inside something. The risk was when he 'ported back into the jet --he was gambling that no-one else had moved.

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