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Combat Medic - Best Species is....?


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So after reading up on all the species and surfing all the major fan sites.... Anyone else stumped on which species to play if you are hoping to be a Combat Medic?


Don't see any specifc hints in the descriptions....


Where are all you CM's gravitating towards?


I really want to be a Trandoshan...

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my guess is that it will not make a big (or any) difference it what species you use for any profession. If you wanna be a t'doshok then by all means pick that species. We will hopefully have a lot more information once the Non disclosure agreement is lifted. My brother who wants to be a combat medic is going human, but what... 45% are going human :p. Of course not a single person is going to trust a doshan combat medic, hehe :rolleyes:

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Yea - I picked Trando due to the regen ability in the species description......


Hmm - maybe this is a good thing that certain species don't have huge obvious leanings towards a certain profession.... Keeps it creatively "wide open".


PS - I have this Land of the Lost/Sleestak thing going on with the Trandos.... Love it. Who knows - maybe in game I'll stumble on to a cave with colored rocks on a pedestal. :)

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Originally posted by txrobpam

Yea - I picked Trando due to the regen ability in the species description......


Hmm - maybe this is a good thing that certain species don't have huge obvious leanings towards a certain profession.... Keeps it creatively "wide open".


PS - I have this Land of the Lost/Sleestak thing going on with the Trandos.... Love it. Who knows - maybe in game I'll stumble on to a cave with colored rocks on a pedestal. :)



Wow regenerate in the middle of a battle, good possibilitie's. :D

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Here is my advice if you want to take it:


*warning* I am brash, opinionated and speak my mind. I am not flaming anyone here so please don't take it that way*end warning*


Ask yourself 2 questions.


1. What race do you most want to be?

2. What profession/hybrid do you most want to be?


There you go. Don't listen to naysayers who tell you how to play your character. The whole point is that it is Your Character


The great thing about this game is the fact that any race can be any profession. If you want to be a Trand CM, nothing will stop you.

First the profession is Combat Medic. Medic... Combat... Combat... Medic...

Ask any US Marine Medic if he can handle himself in combat. He will probably bitch-slap you just for asking. Even if a Trando is a little weaker in the medic department early on, he will make up for it in the combat department. And as you get more experienced it won't even matter. If I'm wounded on a battlefield and a Medic comes to heal me, I don't care what race it is.


"Oh, you are Trandoshan, sorry please don't heal me." You will hear that about as often as a hooker tells you she has change for a hundred.


Also as a Trando CM, you will most likely stand out more than other CM's. If you help someone out and they remember you they could help you out down the line.


On the RP side it can give you a couple of options too. Trandoshans are a warlike race, which stands to reason that if they engage in combat, they will have Combat Medics. You could as a Trandoshan, help others but refuse to heal wookies. Or also as a healer, feel that Trandoshan's commited a crime by enslaving Wookies and go out of the way to heal and help them.


The bottom line is, play what you want, how you want. There is no Best race for any profession, no matter what anyone tells you. Some of the most fun I have had roleplaying, both online and on paper, were characters that broke the mold. I would laugh hysterically as a Trando CM kicks the dogsnot out of someone who closed in thinking he was easy pickings.


You do what you want to and be what YOU want to.


Again not meant as a flame against anyone.



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I feel the same way. Be whatever it is you want to be. Personally I would love to see like a Mon Cal Brawler or a Trando Entertainer; players breaking the molds.


And is it just me, or are Krymelords posts not only well written and thought out, but also very helpful as well? Nice work I must say.

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I am new here and originally posted on the Official site. Long story short, a program called Smartfilter prevents me from logging into that site. If I posted a reply like that there, I'd be toast by now. So that is why I am flame sensitive


I think that a Trando CM is a great idea and a refreshing change. Too many people play MMO's based on what is the best or fastest advancing character they can make. I like to play what is fun for me.


For example before I left, I was playing Shadowbane. I ended up making a Aelfborn(Half-elf) Warrior. I have been concentrating on his dex as I improved because I wanted to make a certain character. Actually I rerolled 5 times to get the character I wanted. Was a Irekei(red devilish looking race) Scout initially. I finally found some info online, and at the fifth reroll had what I wanted. If you know about Shadowbane, I was limited by the Runes(advanced disciplines) I wanted to take. Blademaster and Werewolf.


Why werewolf? I am infatuated with them. If you know one, ask him if he'll bite me without killing me. ;)


With the two Disciplines it was the only combination that I liked. SO here I am a 25th lvl Warrior. Minotaur and Half-Ogre warriors of the same level can mop the floor with me. They have more strength (Damage) and carry better armor. I have the werewolf rune already so I do get the bonuses of that and when I get blademaster(dex based and only wears light armor) I will hopefully be competative but still weaker. Werewolf is actually a pretty useless rune unless you are running away, but it is what I wanted to make. People ask me why in game, I just say it is fun. And that is the bottom line, I play for my enjoyment not theirs. So will I be the baddest Warrior on my server, nope. But I have a great time and I still scare the crap out of group members when I "Wolf Out" in mid fight. Wait till I get blademaster too, then I will whoop some ass in my next PVP fight. People will always make the mistake of underestimating you by looks, in game and in RL, at least once. :D



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Thanks for the Kudos, txrobpam and Evad.


I don't try to turn these posts into long prose but I get carried away. I have a lot invested in this game. Not money or time, but my childhood. I have lived and breathed Star Wars for as long as I can remember in my 29 years. There is still a huge collection of SW figures and toys in my parents garage, even the Stormtrooper I blew up with an M-80. ;)


I am a big fan of both pen and paper as well as Online RPing. Paranoia is still the best RPG ever, nothing like teaming up with a group of friends, adventuring and trying to screw each other at the same time. Priceless! My wife hates that I game so much, but I tell her I could always hang out in strip clubs and chase women instead. Trust me if you knew some of my buddies, she knows that is all they do.


If you read my posts you see that I have played a wide variety of games. I pretty much like something about all of them, but I want this to be the last MMO that I buy. Well maybe WOW (Blizzard always makes good products) but I swear that will be the last one.;) Regardless I love SW and I love RPGs so this one could be the motherlode. This is why I post about this stuff and I really get into it. Just a hobby that I am really passionate about. Did I say this one could be the motherlode? :D


Anyway that is my spiel, as logwinded as usual. Hey I have said before that I am opinionated and brash, you expected less?


Dammit how many more posts before I get out of this Bantha Fodder status? Which ironically was my first screenname (BanthaFodder, CannonFodder was already taken!) on the SWG forums, before I heard that the Hutt (hence Krymelord) faction would be in the game, and then, of course out of initial release.



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For those of you familiar with D&D... I have a friend who TOTALLY broke the mold on character creation. He made a sorcerer... No big deal, right? Well his character was a little less than human, or elf, or dwarf...


I open the doorway by saying that his name was Mr. Whiskers...


That he was chaotic EVIL!!!


Was a cat...


And had a HUMAN as a familiar.


His goal in the game was to raise an army of the dead and take over a small village of farmers that had mistreated him when he was a kitten.


Baddest cat around, too. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Sunshine Badass

For those of you familiar with D&D... I have a friend who TOTALLY broke the mold on character creation. He made a sorcerer... No big deal, right? Well his character was a little less than human, or elf, or dwarf...


I open the doorway by saying that his name was Mr. Whiskers...


That he was chaotic EVIL!!!


Was a cat...


And had a HUMAN as a familiar.


His goal in the game was to raise an army of the dead and take over a small village of farmers that had mistreated him when he was a kitten.


Baddest cat around, too. :D :D :D


Im comfused...what the hell has this got to do with anything??? :p:rolleyes:

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