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New game demos - Unreal II & Elite Force II


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Err, I meant Enterprise...




Okay, okay, I didn't read up on the game very much:plol. I really liked the Virtual Tour of Voyager in the first game's Expansion Pack, and I hope they implement the same sort of thing this time round. I was fun just exploring everywhere on the ship that you usually only see on the show;)

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I liked Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force very much when it first came out. Another game in the same vien could be great fun... however, it could be great nonsense, if handled roughly or not given the care that the original game obviously received.


Unreal II is looking quite bad, but then that's not my type of game anyway. Ah well.

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Originally posted by Commander Bond

I liked Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force very much when it first came out. Another game in the same vien could be great fun... however, it could be great nonsense, if handled roughly or not given the care that the original game obviously received.


Unreal II is looking quite bad, but then that's not my type of game anyway. Ah well.


That's what they've promised for EFII - more of the same, only better looking, more expansive, outdoor levels, and a longer more satisfying game. Nothing revolutionary - which is not a bad thing. You don't need to redefine gaming every time ... sometimes it is nice just to make a good game.


As for Unreal II ... what happens when you spend so much time making an awesome engine that you forget to make a decent game ...



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