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No jedi -Force adept restrictions?

Leagle eagle

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Many people who bought the RPG enjoy playing Jedi chars, and it seems like the force would be a major selling point for the game -except that it is set in the Rebellion era, where Jedi are pretty much wasted.


My question is this: there are no restrictions on the force adept class in the RPG during this time period, and while I see the lack of Jedi as necessary it seems like the force and jedi have been balled into one here.

Could people not play force adepts with no restrictions, so long as they started at 1st lvl like this, (you still need to be force sensative, so this would symbolise your char being so) and still have fun?


This would have an advantage as a selling point and, I'm sure, help avoid some elitest system where only a few can have fun with the force.


As it is the 3 major selling point of star wars are not really there for most people:


1) Luke skywalker -you ain't him, with his cool story, neat music theme and depth of char.


2) Starships, fighters especially: "Buy them in a future product"

Somehow I resent a selling point in advertising which tells me if I buy something, I can wait and buy something else later with what I want in it... Not really a problem tho as I suppose this is what most multiplayer games are like.


3) The force... I know people say things like "play JO", but there are no restrictions on The force adept in the RPG...



It is just a thought, and I hope this posts because I cant be bothered to write it out again.

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I had something extremely relevent to the topic to say, but then I noticed I registered this name 3 years ago and this is my 1st post... That can't be right, I could swear I used to post a lot on the XWA forums... I also noticed the link in my sig leads nowhere and I laughed at the joke because I had forgotten about it... You have to read it aloud.



Hmm... when I remember what I was saying I will post it.:doh:



Aha!, now I know.;)



While you must still be a FS person, this is an RPG not RL so it would be a cool class to have -fun! The thing is you dont need to have been trained by an order/guy in hiding and all that, the class assumes that you do most of the figuring out by yourself -it isn't a discipline taught and learnt -but discovered as you go along.


It isn't some obscure class either, but appears in the core rulebook of the RPG, so it isn't some silly munchkin class.

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I don't think I follow completely on what you are saying. When you get the FSCS (force sensitive character slot), you don't have to go through Jedi training. You could just, like you said, develope a character who is a force adept. I think that's what you were saying, right?

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Originally posted by Leagle eagle

I had something extremely relevent to the topic to say, but then I noticed I registered this name 3 years ago and this is my 1st post... That can't be right, I could swear I used to post a lot on the XWA forums... I also noticed the link in my sig leads nowhere and I laughed at the joke because I had forgotten about it... You have to read it aloud.



Hmm... when I remember what I was saying I will post it.:doh:



Aha!, now I know.;)



While you must still be a FS person, this is an RPG not RL so it would be a cool class to have -fun! The thing is you dont need to have been trained by an order/guy in hiding and all that, the class assumes that you do most of the figuring out by yourself -it isn't a discipline taught and learnt -but discovered as you go along.


It isn't some obscure class either, but appears in the core rulebook of the RPG, so it isn't some silly munchkin class.


If you've lost some posts, post in help forum. And could you maybe be a bit clearer on your first post. :rolleyes:


And not many people are buying this game for the Jedis but for the other factors. You want a Jedi game buy jk2 :)

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Not really, what I'm saying is that part of the reason why FS is so rare at this time is that the jedi are extinct and all that. But there are other things to do with the force apart from being a jedi or a sith!


This is a game, not a movie and the force was one of the things that made Star Wars really cool. So why not allow the Force adept as a class, providing you take it at 1st lvl. It seems like a decent compromise between the movies and lots of people who liked the force and thought it one of the reasons why they liked th whole thing in the 1st place.

I mean, the story isn't exactly going to sell the game, it's a mmorpg, (hence the Luke Skywalker reference) we won't sit back in awe as Luke gazes resignedly at the setting suns... we'll be running around whacking things and stuff. ( and role playing, but you know what I mean.)


It is a compromise that has been done before -why not use it?


Why should there be some elitest system ( here is an assumption I am making, but what I have said still stands if it will not be so) of getting a FSCS when we want to play one, not unlock one like some aging game cheat. (I originally thought it would be a completely random char trait asigned at creation. but people keep mentioning other stuff.)

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

If you've lost some posts, post in help forum. And could you maybe be a bit clearer on your first post. :rolleyes:


And not many people are buying this game for the Jedis but for the other factors. You want a Jedi game buy jk2 :)





But I'm not really bothered about the posts, just a bit miffed. (maybe I used a different username? Leagle maybe?)

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Leagle, from the way you speak about it, I don't think you know how the Jedi system works.


I hear what you're saying (I think...), but the fact is that being Force Senseitive is rare. Sure, there are people who are FS but not Jedi, but in this time frame there are very few. Few, at least, who even know they have the Force to work with. Besides, what would you want to do with Force sensetivity other than becoming a Jedi? Just say to people, "Hey, I can sense the Force!"? Basically, the devs couldn't allow people to be FS without allowing them to become Jedi, because EVERYONE would be a Jedi, totally screwing the continuenity of the game.


And as far as storyline stuff is concerned, there are storylines. Albeit not like a novel or movie, but there are missions that tell a story and keep you occupied and entertained while still playing in the Star Wars universe.


And lastly, I think you need to reconsider why you are wanting to play SWG, and what you want to play. Yes, it is a MMORPG. It is not an RPG, at least not a conventional one. You have to think of the whole picture, when thousands of people are involved as opposed to four or five sitting around a table with pens and paper, or alone playing JO.


I'm sorry if this came off as biting, I don't mean to offend. Just trying to inform. ;):D

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Dun dun dun DUN!!!


*In walks Sunshine, the only one who seems to ACTUALLY understand what Leagle is talking about.:D :D :D


The reason the Force Sensitive "Profession" is not in the game, whether Vader and ol' Pal P are hunting you or not, is becasue then everyone will want to be FS and use the Force without restriction.


I understand that Force Adepts are not Jedi, and are basically what Sorcerors are to Wizards. The Sorc, or Force Adept, uses the Force through inate ability and self discovery. The Wizard, or Jedi, uses the Force through strict training and discipline. An example of Force Adept would be the Witches of Dathomir and the Night Sisters. They are not Jedi, but still use the Force. An example of a Jedi, in case you need one, is Ben Kenobi, aka, Obi-wan, and Darth Vader. Both of these cases represent the Light and the Dark sides of the Force, but through different means of utilizing it.


So to sum it all up, Force Adept is just plain left out for continuity reasons. If you really want to be one, then unlock the FS slot and RP that you are one. As in: Try not to be too skilled with a lightsaber (IF you even choose one at all) becasue the Force Adept are really not lightsaber wielders. Another reason you cannot be a Force Adept from the start is due to balancing factors in the game. If it were choosable from the start, just think of how many griefers would just run around throwing the Force every which way.;)

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They were fairly long posts.


I know the force is rare, but then so are adventurers, we don't play John Johnson, the (insert commonplace profession here), or farmer Giles, or Alex Smith the... Smith!


And I understand about the rarity of the force and people wanting to play force chars, but is this not the price for a MMORPG? It ends up with hardly any "normal" chars in it. There also seems to be strong desire to play non-force users too.


It just seems like a good compromise between Lightsaber weilding juggernaught, market value, continuity and fun... -one that has already been made.


Remember the vastness of space... the Inquisitorium was a completely seperate branch of intelligence for a reason, because there were lots of force-sensatives out there, new ones, undiscovered ones, ones in hiding from the purge (only a few here, as they are trained Jedi such as Obi Wan and powerful chars).

The undiscovered ones especially are likely to be force adepts -maybe their world hasn't been discovered yet, or they might be in isolated places where they and the larger world do not readily meet. A planet is a big place.



And thank you Sunshine, for actually understanding basically what I wrote. But remember the Inquisitorium is part of Intelligence (and therefore fairly intelligent, well connected, etc.) and is ther to take out force users. The purge is over, but they are still around for a reason. So, if you are a force weilder, you may not get a balanced encounter, and the objective would be to live life on the run. (Assuming you do not live in hiding, that is where you started, hidden, so you are probably carving a name, and breaking an insular tradition, or discovering hithero unknown space if you are from an undiscovered world.)#




And there is that word again, "Unlock". yuck, I hope it will be random, not some cheesy video game cheat thing. arg.:lightning: I thought those kind of things had died off with old games...

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