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I need to tell you guys something.


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I know for a fact that Bill Tiller was offerd a place back at lucas arts to work on MI5. He told me that more then a year ago I don't know why I didn't bother letting you guys know, probably because I hate the idea... but there you are: mark Meksilon's words: there will be an MI5.



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Yep, and Ron yesterday told me that in five years time, he'll have enough money to buy the rights to Monkey Island at which point he'll make a new MI3. That and he's buynig a monkey and calling him Smudge.


I'm not saying you're lying Mek, but you can't expect us to believe you without some kind of proof.

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I'll see if I still have the email. 15-Jan-2002. Here's a quote from an email Bill sent me that illustrates this:

Is my art on CMI celebrated, yes, that is true. It helped me get a job at Arena.net, it got me an invitation to come back to Lucas to work on MI5, if they ever do it, and it got me a job at Stormfront, where I currently work.


That leads us to your main question.


How is Arena.net?


Well, I quit around August last year because I didn't like Seattle at all, I was miserable, and missed my friends back in San Francisco.

I sent an email to whatever his email address was something like btiller at arena dot net and it was fowarded to his new address btiller at stormfront dot com. As you can see from "I quit around August last year" you can see I'd jest email Bill every now and then whenever I felt like it.


It's been more then a year since I last emailed Bill so I hope you're happy that I gave you this information and his (non-hotmail) email address (though he may have changed jobs now I'm sure stormfront will foward it for you). I have not typed the address because I don't want to spam it, but I said exactly what it is.



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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Why not believe him guys? Who cares if hes...whats the right word...gayist? I believe him. Theres no reason not to.

Well thank you. Also isn't it interesting how they critisise me because I don't beleive in homosexuality but then convinently forget that 37 US States have banned homosexual marrage; and one more State will result in an ammendment to your constitution.



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Originally posted by bgbennyboy

No-one cares...

Well clearly they do care. Infact name some people who don't care? What's that? Non-Americans? Well I'm not American and even I care.


Now there's no need to be rude, I was called a "gay-bashing troll" and referd to as an untrustworthy person (or more specifically an untrustworthy gay-bashing troll). Surely I am entitled to defend myself. As you can see I've called no one here anything I just defended my position.


So don't tell me that I am out of line.



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Originally posted by Meksilon

Now there's no need to be rude, I was called a "gay-bashing troll" and referd to as an untrustworthy person (or more specifically an untrustworthy gay-bashing troll). Surely I am entitled to defend myself. As you can see I've called no one here anything I just defended my position.


You defend yourself against being labelled a "gay-bashing troll" with more gay-bashing and trolling?

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

You defend yourself against being labelled a "gay-bashing troll" with more gay-bashing and trolling?

I can't offend people, but it's okay if they offend me? Look at the way Carl attacks NOT my beleifs (which is all I'm interested in discussing) - but ME. Anyone is welcome to debate my beleifs with me (figertivly speaking here, it seems I'm not allowed to do this), and so I should be welcome to as well.


What isn't welcome though is personal attacks. I don't make personal attacks. Natty said (and I quote) "I just wish people could live in harmony and peace, regardless of race, colour or sexuality, but as long as people like Mek are around that's never gonna happen :(". This is a personal attack. This is what I had said:

I understand gay-bashers and I do not think all of them are scum. I cannot defend their violent action which is wrong and so they are wrong. But they're understandable and it wouldn't take much for a normal person to become a gay-basher. In general just gays giving them a hard time for their beleifs that it's wrong and stuff WILL lead to it.
Notice my calm approach. All I was trying to say is that I do not beleive all gay-bashers to be scum. I wasn't trying to say that what they do is right (infact I clarified myself by saying they are wrong) but that many of these people are still good people with that one violent exception.


It wasn't even supposed to be about homosexuality, but rather about "gay bashers". Nor is this post in anyway about either gays or gay bashers, but rather it's about the discussions that have gone on in relation to those topics.


Now trouble has happend because of these topics but not because of my attitude, I do not feel that it is my fault that these arguments get out of hand. I do not feel it's my fault because I don't attack anyone personally I simply express my views in a calm and perfectly civilized manar.


Now I don't care if you don't change your mind here, I'm simply showing you, or rather arguing that I'm not a trouble maker. I'm not a trouble maker because I don't make personal attacks or conduct myself in an uncivilised manar.







The homophobia is getting a little old, Mek. Try something else if you want to deliberately offend people in future.
Those are my beleifs you're talking about, not my wanting to deliberatly offend people; but my willingness to openly discuss them.
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Animosity towards you is to be expected because of your past behaviour. You've earnt it so you'll have to live with it. Have the sense to stay away from discussions about homosexuality, dont get involved in flame-wars and all will be well.

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Oh for frig sake.


K, I just want to say, that it's not that I didn't believe him before, I just didn't have enough evidence before. but because the internet is soo fake anyway, we will never get any conclusive results unless lucas itself says that Tiller is back for mi5, whenever they announce that. But for now, i don't really have much of a reason not to trust mek, frankly, he's not untrustworthy, i just don't agre with his beliefes which he seems to respect.


In other words, yeah, fine, when MI5 comes along, there's probably a good chance Tiler will be on board.


and now, can we please get off of this 'homosexual' issue, i would have to say that before Carl Shutt said anything, this actually had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuals adn i really don't think mek had any intention to make it into that.

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I'm not saying his hatred of gay people is your fault, and nothing i said in my last post even hinted this so i don't know where that came from, all i'm saying is that you didn't have to bring up his gay hatred in a topic that clearly didn't need it, nor did it imply it. Mek was simply trying to bring across a message about monkey island, nothing to do with homosexuals in his first post nor in mine and yet you still seemed to be able to bring it up.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

In other words, yeah, fine, when MI5 comes along, there's probably a good chance Tiler will be on board.

He won't be, at least I don't think so... but he WAS offered a place back at Lucas for it demonstrating their plans for the game.
Originally posted by Carl Shutt

Meksilon's irrational hatred of gay people is clearly my fault.

I'm not a hateful person nor have I said I hate anyone. Please remember this if you ever wish to critisie me again because I do not not like you saying I hate people.


To bgbennyboy I will admit I have misbehaved in the past, but it's been taken out of context. This is because I didn't start the flaming/personal insults and frankly I eventually got so offended by people bashing be and then pointing the finger at me for bashing (which I wasn't and they were, and getting away with it) that I did get out of hand a couple of times.


Take now for example, you are complaining about my behaviour in a scenario where clearly Carl Shutt is behaving in an uncivilised manar, not me. Even Neil can see this (Neil's behaviour on the other hand is very acceptable).


It would be like saying to me "you killed this person and you're a murderer", my reply being "I was defending myself from being killed and in the end I killed my attacker even though I did not intend to do so". Self-defence is not a crime in either Australia or the US nor should it be. The same thing goes here - I did make personal attacks in the past; but only after I had taken a big dose of them and became very offended.


I hope you understand that it was never once my intention to have flame battles.



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ok, i've been reading this thread ever since it was created and have to say something right about now. whether this is a good decision or not, i'm jumping in at the risk being disliked/hated by people that don't already dislike/hate me, which is (as i am assuming) very few people [that don't dislike/hate me]. and i'm gonna try not to start slinging flames at people, so forgive me if i do or if i seem like i am.


first of all- mek. i understand where you're coming from, but i don't feel like you're that genuine. and i respect you for your opinions (which i don't agree with, but then again, i always do things differently) but i don't see what the big deal is with homosexuality. people don't choose to be that way, in fact, your "god" (and i'm technically christian, but i believe in "Him" half-heartedly, maybe less), makes people that way. i also feel that you are trying to, maybe subconciously, inadvertently insult gay people, which i don't feel is right, and i think you're covering it up with saying that you can't be made fun of because of your beliefs. i honestly think that what you are saying "gay bashers are not scum" is a load of crap. nobody has the right to do that kind of thing to another person because of sexual orientation. so unless you are yourself a gay basher or if you know somebody and are friends with a gay basher, i wouldn't be saying that. (and no, i'm not gay, i just think it's extremely unconstitutional, which by definition, it is.)


second of all- (more on topic), i don't think bill tiller will be back on board for mi5, they'll probably have some new guys do it, then the plotline will be completely different, and the whole ending will be okay but not like the monkey island we all know and love.

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Das Mole,


There's faith and there's blind faith. Now the texts of the Bible use the word faith to mean trust. Trust in God, that's what faith is, what true faith is. I know that God cannot lie to us, or deceive us and so what He says is truth, it is right.


So I trust God's Word. I have faith in God. Now blind faith is to beleive in what you want because you want to beleive that it's right. I used to beleive that homosexuality is okay in High School and when I was 17 (after examining the issue) I came to understand that it is not.


Das my beleifs are not respected even by people who say (tell me) that all beleifs should be respected. I don't contradict myself like this, Jesus is THE Truth, THE Light and THE Way. This is because Jesus is God's Word.


What I know is that God created everything. The universe, the stars, the planets, every form of life. He created man and woman, and he created marriage. In the Bible, ignoring where homosexuality is condemed, God clearly creates (exclusivly) hedrosexual marriage and this is then talked about and explained extensivly.


This is a religious argument that will only have gratification to those who beleive in my God. However I have further come to understand what marriage is. It's not just two people who want to spend their lives together. It is a representation of the relationship between man and God. God cannot have the relationship he has with us with other gods, nor can we have other gods in ourselves.


I realise that I have now developed a very strong Biblical argument. However it's all based on simple logic, morality: it is exclusive of the existance of God. Two things that are the same do not combine. Two things that are diffrent in certain circumstances can combine. Water and Carbon-dioxcide makes Carbonated Water. Adding water to water or carbon dioxcide to carbon dioxcide dosen't make anything.


What about the Universe? It's made up of Space and Time and it can only exisit when there is both space and time, without time there would be nowhere for the space to exisit and without space there is nothing pysical to exisit in time.


Infact I've heard many Athiests claim that God could not have always exisited because something had to create Him. This is not true becuase of one main reason. It is true that in this Universe that would be true because they are the laws of Time and Space. However God exisits outside of Time and Space - indeed He created our universe. Therefore He is not bound by ANY of our universe's laws.


This is (in fact) not simply far more, but rather tremendously more logical then the Big Bang theory. It is impossible that our Universe could exisit without God. Time could not exisit, nor could space; or any object inside time and space.


This is what my faith is. Informed, solid. Blind faith is beleiving what you want to be true. It was caculated that the odds aginst horse DNA evolving into what it is now is 1 in 10^300,000 (this was caculated by an athiest/evolutionest). Now there's only (an estimated) 10^80 individual particals in the entire universe, making the probabiliy irreocncilibly relivent.


But still Evolutionests have their blind faith in something that's non-logical and mathematically impossible. But then again it's because most of them don't KNOW this, most don't realise that what they beleive in is irrational.


Now I know of a university physics lecturer, who was teaching a decade or so ago. He asked for a show of hands as to who beleives in evolution and who beleives in creationisim. The result was about half the students beleived in each and he said "I cannot teach Physics to these people who do not beleive in evolution!".


It's now been proven without a shadow of a doubt that humans did not evolve from apes. The evolution theory has been updated to say that apes and humans share a common ancestor. How many times does the theory have to change before people realise it's wrong? To change it means there's a recignition that it's wrong and needs to be fixed.


God is absolute. Unchanging. What we (Christians) beleive in dosen't change when we find new evidence. Now my trust in God that I have now means that I should not have had to come to my own slow understanding that homosexuality is wrong. If I had listened to God all along I would have realised right from the start what the truth is.


I know now why God spelled it out even though He didn't have to. But more importantly I appreciate God's Justice. He is the ONLY to be truely just; to be right, and never, EVER to be wrong, bad or evil.


If you still think I'm not genuine then forget I ever once mentioned God. But I challenge you to ask yourself, are you genuine? Are you one hundred percent sure that what you beleive in is right?



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