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Your chances of getting into beta.

Dr. Zaius

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If you think about this logicly, then you have good chances of getting into the beta test. Here let me explain; Ok, the community on the main SWG boards just reached 500,000. And, the devs stated that there would be at least 50,000 beta testers. Do the math, and thats about a 1 in 10 chance of getting into beta. So just think positively, and you might get in.

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hmmm... I used to feel sad for not being able to beta test SWG, however, when I think of it, I would prefer to play the full version as it gives me a fresh look and start, although having played the beta would give me an edge over the non-beta testers.

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I'm sure in coming weeks that they will invite alot more testers. I don't want to sound mean or greedy, but I really don't think we need anymore. I don't know if I can say anymore with NDA, but it's for a good reason. :atat:

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I'm not even going to try to get into beta, playing now might be discouraging due to any bugs, etc. Plus, I don't want to have any preconceived ideas, and be disappointed if the game is changed and certain features I liked were excluded.


And, 12.5% chance? That's a lot...

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

hmmm... I used to feel sad for not being able to beta test SWG, however, when I think of it, I would prefer to play the full version as it gives me a fresh look and start, altough having played the beta would give me an edge over the non-beta testers.


I too would perfer to play the stable version, alot of people have said to be that they cannot play the beta due to stabillity issues. :)

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Hmm....I think I'd have a good chance at becoming a Beta Tester. I was chosen to beta test PlanetSide, but I dont wanna, cuz you have to download it. 11 hours. I also applied for Final Fantasy XI.


I'd like to sign up for this beta test. How would I go about doing that?




EDIT- Zaius...by 12.5%, he was using the exact numbers, you ESTIMATED...so...thats how. :p;)

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Dr. Zaius: a 12.5% chance, wouldnt it be 1 out of 10, or 10%? Please explain to me how it would be 12.5%


Hmmm... that would mean 500,000 subscribed community with 40,000 intended beta testers OR 625,000 subscribed community with 50,000 intended beta testers OR I'm totally wrong :D


Anyway, how do you know the main SWG community board has 500,000 Dr Zaius?


AcrylicGuitar:I'd like to sign up for this beta test. How would I go about doing that?


You can go to this link:



Just click on 'Sign up now'. You might need to subscribe to the website too

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

Hmmm... that would mean 500,000 subscribed community with 40,000 intended beta testers OR 625,000 subscribed community with 50,000 intended beta testers OR I'm totally wrong :D


Anyway, how do you know the main SWG community board has 500,000 Dr Zaius?




You can go to this link:



Just click on 'Sign up now'. You might need to subscribe to the website too


Not subcribe, register. ;) And it is basically random in my opinion, that is what it seems like. :)

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