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after i finished it the last time around, i thought i would start over again since my piloting had kinda warmed up and since i wanted to try and do it without cheats enabled. unfortunately i haven't had much time lately, but that's another story...


i'm stuck on the blasted training level when you join the rebellion. i get past the first two training areas, but on the third, i always get spaced by those transports. my stupid wingman is no good either. pretty damn tough for your first rebel mission, i must say. even when i destroy one of the transports, the other one makes mince meat out of me in no time. any hints?

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That always struck me as a difficult mission to start your Alliance career on as well. It can barely be called a training mission. And why a Y-Wing??? Ugh!

I think I cheated to get past that one originally, too.


There were a couple of other severly off-balance missions in this game now that I think about it... and it was NEVER in your favor.

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I am playing the whole game over from the beginning and that is the toughest mission I've had. Training mission my rear! The way I got through it was as follows:


After completing Area 2 hyper to the Defiance? for reloads. As you hyper into Area 3 set torpedos for dual fire and unload on the closest transport saving 2 torpedos. On single fire unload one of these at each Assault Shuttle. Hyper back to Defiance? and reload. When I returned to Area 3, I had hypered in at a point between the Assault Shuttles and the convoy. The Shuttles were busy peppering my wingman and chasing him around the place. I poured on the speed(laser charge directed to engines) and headed for the convoy.


When I got in torpedo range of the tranports that were closest to the jump point, I unloaded a few torpedos between them. I then shifted lasers to max charge and began strafing everything as I closed on the lead transports. Keep in mind I was using linked laser and ions, pouring out max firepower as I went down the line. If I disabled a transport before it was destroyed, I would move onto the next one. Afterall, they were not going anywhere. I tried to attack the transports that were weakest in firepower with energy weapons and dumbfired the torpedos into the stronger ones(Xiyitar & Container Transports). After finishing off all transports, miraculously my wingman was still alive and being chased by the Shuttles. I sent him the order to head home and drew off the Shuttles the best I could. As soon as they were interested in me, I poured the lasers to the engines and led them on a merry chase. When my wingman was away, I shunted the shields to the engines and got the heck out of there. I guess I'm a sucker with a conscience, otherwise I could have left him in a lurch and got out. Whew! Sorry for the long post!!!:rolleyes:

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hell, i've never looked out for a wingman. the only thing i ever tell them to do is attack a target. i usually ignore them when they say they need a little help here and i usually let my trainer just keep saying "i'm aborting my attack run"

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Thus the whole point of a "Rebellion." ;)

I just think it's funny.

You have to imagine the Alliance is scrounging for resources like good pilots and fighters. To send a trainee into a situation where they are hopelessly outnumbered, outgunned and underequipped and stick them with a worse-than-useless wingman and hope they make it back in one piece with your rare and very expensive fighter doesn't really seem like the smartest tactics to me.

There's strength in numbers.

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That's what simulators are for.


BTW, one fan-theory regarding the Rebellion is that, towards the end of Ep.III, we'll see Amidala and Gunray on the bridge of one of the last surviving TradeFed battleships, officially signing accords that will turn the Separatists into the Rebel Alliance (note how the design of the battleships resembles the Alliance "Starbird" emblem). It's not like the Separatists are just going to go away when Palpy issues his Declaration of Empire.


Given the demonstrated competency of the TradeFeds, this would explain why, 20 years later, the Alliance has only a handful of fighters to throw against the entire Imperial fleet. :roleyess:

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In the y-wing mission the wingman is invulerable. Let him go in first and get vaped... er, draw fire


Typically i have allways fired 2 Torps a clsoe range to knock out the transport taht targets me. I might get chewed up a bit, but at least i have free riegn on the convoy. take out the non-modualr transports first. Disabiling them is quickest. Then go after the Engines on the long contteted ones. you now got a non-moving convoy that turns into a turkey shoot

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ok, i just finished the game with absolutely no cheats. I actually preferred it this way, as it undoubtedly made me a better pilot. I finished the game as a Lt. Commander, and had received up to the Scimitar on the Kalidor Crescent.



i'm sure others have gotten higher ranks. how far have "yall" gotten in rank?

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I have finished as a General with the Diamond Eyes on the Kalidor Crescent. One thing I have not done is accomplish all the secondary/bonus/whatever objectives, and so the next time I play through, I'm going to try that. Since they don't tell you what the all objectives are, though, that might be pretty hard.

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well, aren't we special :p



ok, hotshot, what's the best wat to take out an ISD or any other capital ship without losing your shields in the process? actually, i'm mainly interested in interdictors, because they don't have the shield generator thingys like most ISDs. i've had more trouble taking out marauder corvettes than ISDs.

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

Keyan, this site should have everything you need, i think.




just ignore the midi or hit stop to stop it.


Thanks for the link. I have a text file with all of the goals, but I have doubts about how complete it is.


The real question, though, is whether or not I should use it. Isn't part of the challenge figuring out what the goals are? On the other hand, there's no way to know when you have them all, unlike TIE Fighter. So perhaps I will take advantage of that.

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Oh, and the capital ship thing...


I generally try to use my wingmen to do a lot of the work for me. In a YT-XXXX, it works well to set the turret to auto and fly in a circle around the ship. But no matter what, you can generally just pick away at it, so long as you have the patience. I believe I handled Interdictors by picking away at its guns until I was safe. It takes time, though, if you want to keep your shields intact.

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