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Sniper Weapons

ewok mercenary

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I know you guys have repeatedly said that you aren't going to include any new weapons but I think this is an idea worth thinking seriously about.


A sniper rifle.


In JKII I really enjoyed using the scope on the disruptor rifle and it added another dimension to the gameplay of levels such as Nar Shaddaa streets. If it is possible I would love to see some kind of sniper's weapon in the mod and I think it would work excellently in large outdoor areas like Fest and, err.. the snowy one. The canyons of Fest would make for some great sniping and add significantly to the tension of the level, causing players to think a little more carefully before running out into the open.


If implemented well, a long range sniper rifle would really add to the mod something which was really unavailable to games back when Dark Forces was originally created. If you didn't want to add another weapon then maybe you could modify one of the existing weapons or even *(please don't hunt me down for saying this) replace one of them. I wouldn't really mind too much if it meant getting a sniper rifle (Hey, there's a sniper scope view on the back of the CD...).


Here's another thought (Hmm... I'm thinking too much): If you did create a new weapon (You're gettin far too ahead of yourself Ewok....) you could make it a Bryar rifle:

"Actually this weapon [Modified Bryar pistol] is a Bryar rifle with the barrel and muzzle shortened. Hence "modified" in the name. Saying it was a rifle would just confuse people." - Justin Chin, DF design team

So it would fit in with the original ideas of the design team...


Anyway, I've been going on a bit much now but please seriously consider this as it would add another dimension to the gameplay and you have said before that you are trying to remake the game as it would have been made today.



Oh and btw, if you had trouble understanding some (Or all) of this post, it's because I'm very tired...

*falls off chair and hits the "Submit New Thread" button on the way down*

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I could have sworn I posted here last night :confused:


If[ this is done, make it the alt fire for the E-11, like it was in MotS. Don't make it disintegrate them either.


But the scope must be obtainable later in the game. Personally, I would not use it. And I am sure many others wouldn't. It would be a waste of time, for most of DF's combat is in your face action, not snipe half the stormies across the canyon before getting into the base...


Also, it would only be good for some human people, because Grans have a high HP, as do Trandos and Gammoreans. And Nar Shaddaa is the one level I could see myself using it, and as we know, stormies aren't your main concern in that level...

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"No comment" sounds good. Sounds a lot more promising than "No!!!! We will never implement a sniper weapon and why on Earth did you even have the stupity to suggest we should?!?!" ;)


And Katarn, you say that most of DF's combat is in-your-face action but I think that's exactly why it could do with a sniper rifle. It just gets a little repetitive, having no change in gameplay and having a scoped weapon would encourage players to use different methods on the larger outdoor levels.


Well that's what I think anyway :)

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Fixed zoom? like the military version of the Steyr AUG? (2x15 zoom) I really cant see the E-11 being used as a long range rifle but something like the AUG or the FG-42 Paratroop rifle outta RtCW might work well.


@ Katarn's concerns about lack of use, I think novelty value for it would be one thing, and also, its handy if you wish to nail maybe one or two stormies or maybe a trando with a headshot at medium range.


I can see the uses for it, but the mod team has the final say :D

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Well, it's up to the MOD team, one way or another.


Personally I like the idea of a sniper weapon. I like sniping in other games, and I can see where there might be a few opportunities to use it in a DF context...mostly in the outdoor areas, such as those with wide chasms, etc. It would be a nice addition, but not essential. :)

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The sniping in MotS is really nonsensical if you think about it. Adding a scope to the stormtrooper rifle magically makes it ultra-accurate and more powerful? :rolleyes:


I really like the disruptor in JO, on the other hand. I guess having a sniper weapon in the DF mod could be fun, but personally I don't think there's really enough reason to change the game in that way.

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Now this makes me wonder... why is the "Tusken Raider" Solbe M'ko (see above his avatar picture) speaking of "uncool" Tusken blaster but on the other hand suggesting it :snear::confused::disaprove


Here the answer is clear: NO. There are no Tusken in DF and never will be in DFMOD, therfore the weapon aswell won't be included.

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I think that a Bryar rifle would work, you don't just lop off most of a gun and have the same quality. In conventional weapons changeing a rifle into a pistol like that would lose accuracy (a lot of it) but the Bryar pistol is one of the most accurate weapons in the game. So the rest of the gun was probably to make it either silent (no fun) or more powerful. (I can't see puting stuff to make it fire faster in forward bit of the gun.)


So put a scope on it and you should have an ok sniper rifle. It would ceirtanily make more sense to find a Byar rifle than pistol (like you do all over the place in Jedi Knight.)

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The part of the rifle that is removed on the Bryar pistol might be some kind of 'accelerator', like on the clone trooper rifle and gives it greater distance and speed. And there might have been a section behind the breech that was removed that did increase firing speed.

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