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i just bought the game yesterday ^_^... i love it.


I went to download some models, sounds, etc... and I was so lost in the pile of shtuff... ANYWAYS... I wanna see what changes everyone made to their game in terms of mods, sabres, models, and all that stuff.


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I know it's tempting to mod everything to start off with, but honestly, I'd leave it a month or so. Until you're used to the game; otherwise you're not going to properly appreciate the mods you put in.


First off, play the SP mode right through (took me about two weeks, then again I'm bad at it :p )


Then (or at the same time, in between SP games) play the MP version against bots, to get used to the MP gameplay, it's slightly different from the SP. When you can hammer bots into the ground, play online and learn again.


You'll find a lot of online servers are 'pure' anyway, so you won't be able to use a lot of the skins you download, but MP maps are going to be an essential.


My faves are:

Matrix Dojo

Matrix Subway

and the Bushido Maps for Duelling.


As for FFA maps, I more or less just stick with the in-game ones, but Duel of the Fates 2 is an essential.


As for mods themselves, well there are loads. All with plus points and minus point. Personally, I sometimes run JediMod, but most of the time I'm happy to play without mods.

There's a Katana to replace the lightsaber in the Bushido pack, and a Gaffi stick to replace it in the Tusken Raider skin. Another nice touch is Ultimate Blood, which makes for a change ;)


Anyway, welcome to the boards, enjoy the game, and I hope to see you online sometime.


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Well, you should wait until you get further into the game before modding, but my favorite add ons are:


-Kit Fisto Model

-Perfect Saberzzz

-Dark Alliance (SP)

-Tavion (SP)

-Wookiee model


I dislike mods in general, but I get most of my maps, mods form the server that I play on alot.

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thanks guys, i've decided not to use mods just yet and take your advice... and i can already hammer bots to the ground -_-.. but for my next question, Please name me some good servers, if I start playing a game and log on to some crappy servers i usually find it hard to get really into the game, recommendations?

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Well, I don't know where you live, so ping could be an issue. Just do a ping search and pick the top one. If you don't like it, move down one until you find one you like. Also, play on a server that caters to your skill level; don't go play against the pros, because you won't learn anything by getting owned over and over, but don't go to a newby server because you need a challenge, too. I used to play on Darkstats, but now I play on a server called Masters Clan. Just go with the flow, and happy gaming!


Word to the wise: Don't start fights with clanners on their server. I made that mistake far too many times. Also, don't download big files directly from the server, it's faster to get them off JediKnightii.net/files or from one of the other good download sites out there.



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