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We all know it's the little things that can make a bad game good and a good game great. So while the major issues for JK3 will undoubtably be the gun/saber-force tweeking, they would also do well with taking a few suggestions.


My suggestion is as follows, have a feature called "Lightsaber Style" while you create. We know well have the three stances (Weak, Med,Power) to choose from...but how about they add in general lightsaber style. Which would affect the way people unsheath/sheath their lightsaber/s.


Imagine standing there and clicking on "1" to get out your Saber and your Jedi does a cool pose move. Then imagine you walking and a different one is preformed. Same goes for running or stricking, or run stricking. It would be a nice bonus I'd say. Of course this suggestion is merely that. It could have ups and downs, I just think it would make you feel a little more in control of your char.

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It sounds nice, and I like the idea, but I somehow get the feeling that it would end up being more trouble than it would be worth to put a feature like that in the game... :(



For now, I'm just happy that we have some degree of customisation in there... I still want something more along the lines of KotOR but with Jedi Knight-series style fighting, but know perfectly well that I won't get it for a long while yet, if ever :p



Still, it would be nice not to have the same animation for unsheathing and igniting your sabre each and every time with each and every stance/pose... But oh well, I shan't expect it and then if it's there I can be pleasently surprised :D



Btw, welcome to the forums - enjoy your stay here, it's not such a bad place ;):D

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I'd have to agree with Wacky on this one. While it would be nice to see, I doubt it will be in there. Customising your character and saber is definitely a move in the right direction, but this game isn't a Jedi simulator that allows you to tweak every aspect of your Jedi right down to how they walk.


It might be nice to see different races have slightly different moves to ignite their sabers. Personally, for dual sabers, I wouldn't mind seeing them strapped to your back and you grab them from there, rather than just having them on your belt. Or maybe have a forearm holster that shoots the saber into your hand.


*drifts off into fantasy land*


Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of the taunt moves make it in there though, like spinning your saber above your hand. That's purely cosmetic, and will add nothing to the gameplay, but as the capability is already there, it might be nice to see it out of the box rather than require a mod. *shrugs*

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Just as they highlighted the individuality of each Jedi drawing their saber to ready in the Arena battle of AotC, it would be a nice touch to see that in the game. Just that - a nice touch. Just like having different animations for different saber types, and so on. I won't mourn when it isn't there ... ;)

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Originally posted by SambucaKing

We all know it's the little things that can make a bad game good and a good game great. So while the major issues for JK3 will undoubtably be the gun/saber-force tweeking, they would also do well with taking a few suggestions.

Unfortunately, it is beyond remote that the devs will be taking suggestions at this stage in this manner.


Originally posted by SambucaKing

My suggestion is as follows, have a feature called "Lightsaber Style" while you create. We know well have the three stances (Weak, Med,Power) to choose from...but how about they add in general lightsaber style. Which would affect the way people unsheath/sheath their lightsaber/s.

A nice idea, but probably much more trouble than it's worth. Taking the time to create several more animations instead of spending time on other features probably isn't the best way to spend valuable resources (people and money).
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