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The Best Day of My Life


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Well, the points only have value to those that frequent these forums. Basically, you can get a glow name, like you will notice Jan and I have. If you check my profile, the MIDI file there is another add on. Also, many of the above posters have image sigs, which you can also get. Nothing major really, just some cool visual and audio stuff for the forums. A better way to express yourself if you will.

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Originally posted by Kaiser Isaac

Thats cool that you are having fun man...........Thats also cool that you didnt forget about us...And thats also cool that you gave your extra key to your brother...Sorry wraith .......but.......................... blood is thiker than Wraith


Kaiser let me just show you how better your posts can look, if you use dictionary.com


It's cool that you are having fun man, it is also cool that you didn't forget about us. Nice of you to give your buddy key to your brother. :)


Sorry Wraith, but blood is thicker then yourself. :(


Now look how nice that looks without the excessive periods, and adding smiles make it more nicer to read. :) Just trying to help you out Kasier. ;)

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But, if we are in the spirit of linguistic discussions, I have to mention this:


Reaper, you too can gain from learning the distinction between 'then' and 'than'. Then is used within timeframes, such as "go to the left, and then to the right". Than is used when you compare subjects, such as in "that book is heavier than ten bricks". And, in this example, he was most likely refering to the axiom "blood is thicker than water", so his post would be:


It's cool that you are having fun man, it is also cool that you didn't forget about us. Nice of you to give your buddy key to your brother. :)


Sorry Wraith, but blood is thicker than water. :(


Hey, perhaps I should start an english class in these forums? A thread where you can ask questions about proper punctuation, grammar and other such fun areas. Or not, since they really are not fun areas at all. ;)

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Well not to brag but...when I was in 6th Grade my Reading Level was 12th Grade...Sorry about that Mods. I shall get back on topic! Actually I see know point to this post. In fact we should make a sticky that says "I'm In Beta and You Aren't!"; this would be a place where beta people annouce they are in beta. I mean these threads are just full, "I GOT INTO BETA...WHOOPIE!" and the ever popular, "My life sucks, I didn't get into beta..."


I of course have fallen victim to the second quote....

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