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Rise of nations!


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this is a very nead game

i can't stop playing it after i bouth the full retial version


download the demo here


RoN Achieved a score of 93, while AoM and Warcraft III received scores of 83 and 92, repectively


In many ways, Rise of Nations is better than the strategy games that have come before it. It's smarter. It's more challenging. It gives you more to do. It also has a highly customizable multiplayer component, as well as good tutorials that will help new players get started quickly. The game even has fairly detailed graphics, especially for the different civilizations' architecture, as well as good sound effects and a dynamic music score that changes to reflect what's happening on the battlefield. But what really sets Rise of Nations apart are all the new concepts it introduces--cities, attrition damage, commerce caps, caravans, rare resources, a broader and more distinct technology element, national borders, and more make the game deeper and in many ways more enjoyable than any other real-time strategy game to date. For years, real-time and turn-based strategy games sat at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their gameplay and audience; very few games have even tried to bridge the gap between them. But now, these two distinct styles of strategy have come together in the form of a truly excellent game


By Elliott Chin, GameSpot [postED: 05/21/03 03:05 PM]

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I also have this game and I must say, its awesome. I was not sure if I would like this game since it looks like AoE/AoM, but plays really different. After playing it some, I really really enjoyed it. It grew on me fast. I would recommend it to any RTS fan.


I posted a little info about it a little while back. You can check it out here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100122

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All I know is that this game screwed up my chances for a good AOM match agains my buddies the other night, since they share the same server that ESO does, wich only further demonstrates that Microsoft games is all about the money and not the repeat player.



ESO can surf a piece of plywood up my ass.... really! :rolleyes:



Why should I buy a new game just to play on a server, if I am still tripping off AOM?

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

ESO is Ensembles Studios right?


Yeah, AoM uses Ensembles Studios...I think...


Ensemble Studios made AOM, but ESO, is the bloody server they practically force you to use, if you want to play on line. I could not even link up with two buddies, because of all this Rise Of Nations crap... I am sure it's a nifty game and all, but that should not hinder me being able to play the ones I already got.

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Yeah, as soon as the newness tends to wear down a bit, online play should be back to normal. I just restarted my AoM campaign. I had to reformat and I forgot to grab the saves from this folder, however I just recently restarted it. Hooray.


RoN is a lot of fun. I have not tried online play yet, but it really seems like it would be really awesome, more fun than a lot of other RTS games I have played online. I will give it a try when I have some time maybe next week online.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Ensemble Studios made AOM, but ESO, is the bloody server they practically force you to use, if you want to play on line. I could not even link up with two buddies, because of all this Rise Of Nations crap... I am sure it's a nifty game and all, but that should not hinder me being able to play the ones I already got.




ESO or AOM has totaly nofing to do whit Rise of nations

exsept that it is alsow an RTS

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