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Dang...just when I thought BF1942 couldn't get weirder...

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*Grumbles* Grrr...I can beat that if I didn't have an illegal copy...another downloaded. :D Actually, I would never have that kind of stats. I stink at on-line play anyway. Why? Cause it too addicting and takes time away from something important like homework or studying for finals. I've fallen down plenty of times. Besides, BF1942 runs very skippy on me and I need to put everything on low. It sucks but the amount of time it freezes has shortened greatly...but it still freezes periodically.

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It's funny that this threads comes up now... I tried BF1942 for the first time yesterday and found it pretty dang awesome, even though I had no idea what I was doing :D


In Omaha beach, I was playing as the allies and tried to get to the beach on these smalls boats... How do you get off it? O_O I was driving it to the beach and I pressed E to get off, but I was still in it, running around. How do you open the front door?!

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:eek: now he's in the top 1%


I wish I could play online but I don't have an internet connection to my computer:(


For now I just play w/ my brother on my LAN. I can't deside between playing Road to Rome or Desert Combat. There both so much fun!

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

My top position ever ? 1104...........



My top position ever? 963 and it should be up higher tommorrow with the my new high score in one battle of 16000


I used to play desert combat. THe Humvee is the best especially the one the tow missle one shot to kill a tank. But DC basically "blew up" (it rotted away).

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Yeah, I've found that I missed the RTR maps and the WW2 combat, so I'm leaning to RTR. But I've also enjoyed DC because of the helicopters. However, my fav weapon (the rocket artillery) is in both, so I'll probably stick to RTR.


EDIT: Almost forgot, you've got an awesome avatar!

Now you know...And knowing is half the battle!


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well i'll be darned....

Praetorian, did you play Tobruk online on the 2nd of july ? Then we played against each other !


I've noticed those massive scores and i must say; they are either done with RtR maps which allow you to score like crazy (in an impossibly flawless manner) or there has to be some sort of trainer; i have played all but perfect games, dying only two/three times and killing about 25 / 30 opponents, getting masses of flag-points etc, and the best i got was a 6845 score... getting bigger scores is, let's face it, all but impossible then.

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

well i'll be darned....

Praetorian, did you play Tobruk online on the 2nd of july ? Then we played against each other !


I've noticed those massive scores and i must say; they are either done with RtR maps which allow you to score like crazy (in an impossibly flawless manner) or there has to be some sort of trainer; i have played all but perfect games, dying only two/three times and killing about 25 / 30 opponents, getting masses of flag-points etc, and the best i got was a 6845 score... getting bigger scores is, let's face it, all but impossible then.


*points to Lord Fergie's 16,000 on Bocage*

I used to think people who got that high were cheaters...but they arn't...I won't give away his new strategy unless he wants to tell everybody...but I will say...compare your scores and look at them hard. Notice what you did when you got the most points, etc and work for it. Also try looking at the stats on BFstats and look what the top players score in...organize the categories according to highest in each and see if it's accurate or not (as in the order changing much or not). You can find a pattern.



BTW, rank #451 and counting...

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