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What triggers the auto dodge when facing a sniper in SP?


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In single player, occasionally Kyle will go into force speed automatically to dodge a sniper shot. Half of your Force pool is drained (as if you had cast Force Speed yourself) and as soon as the dodge is over, you go back to normal speed. Sometimes to dodge the shots, sometime you don't. How do you determine if you end up dodging the shot or not?


Note that I am talking about Single Player; I know you have to have Force sight lvl 3 to dodge sniper shots in <edit>multiplayer</edit>.

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activating force speed doesn't do it. The auto Kyle reflex happens (seemingly) without you having to do anything. So does it just happen randomly or maybe when a rodian has a full powered, kill you in one hit shot, you're able to avoid them. Or I was thinking maybe its the first shot a particular rodian shoots at you, which the game implemented to allow you to see where you are being sniped from. So does anyone actually know?

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Its not a special rodian at the begining of the level to let you see where you are being sniped from. I know this because when u switch to an MP map in SinglePlayer and spawn rodians, they shoot you and you dodge some. I would have to say that it is random. But i too would like to know exactly what triggers it, like what is the Vstring or Cvar command that actually performs the dodge.

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Nah, I've tried looking directly at them, but that actually seems to reduce the amount of times I dodge his shots. I'm pretty sure it's randomized, but I believe you do have to have your saber out for it to work. (and enough force, of course)

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Yeah, I tried to find out what triggered the auto-dogding. I have a very randomized theory, that, if u look at the sniping rodian, and time it right, one can move the mouse with a jerking fashion in any direction. If you time this right, as the disruptor beam is about to hit you, i think the chance of dodging is increased considerably...I dunno :confused:

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