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Crafting professions

Kai Daru

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Seeing as i enjoyed my last post and the discussion it created (even though no one agreed with me about perma-death ;) ) i thought i would start another as i need something to pass the time between now and release date, especially as i cant seem to find a PA for me or enough people willing to start one!


This one is about crafting professions... im the kind of player who really enjoys exploring all elements of MMORPG's, including crafting skills...


So now im wondering a few things...


If you are the type to enjoy crafting, then which particular profession appeals to you?


which one will be the most lucrative in-game wise?


which will be the most common, and most fun, or most rare, which will be boring as hell?


which particular crafted items will the players be mad to get their hands on?


will the best crafted items be as good as the best quest/mob drop items? (note, this has never really been the case before now)


Are you looking forward to making your own droids? (i know i am) and do you think they will be needed in the game in a big way?


Traditionally weapons were always the items that players wanted... but with so many more crafting options than just weapons and armour... do you think this will change in SWG?


How well do you think Architecture will take off? (massively i think... especially as PA's grow)


Do you think that when the space expansion is released that crafters will be able to add ship modifications to thier skills?


what kind of ratio do you expect to see in regards to Adventurer's and Crafters?


How many of you will have an adventurer on one server and a crafter on another?


How important will crafters be to their respective PA's and if they are important, which particular crafting skills will be in the most demand?


Just a few things for you to think about and discuss now my other post seems to have died...


See you 'round... Kai




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Great post Kai Daru! A lot of great questions there. As per most of the great threads, I just can't answer without breaking the NDA. I am anxious to see what the other members have to say though. Once again, these are the kind of posts that inspire good clean rational thought. You are to be applauded.


These are the things many PA leaders must think on ever day. Balance is a necessity in your PA.

What good are twenty Weaponsmiths if you don't have a one Armorsmith.


How important will an Architect be?


Do I have merchants to sell the stuff my Crafters are making?


If I build it.....will they really come? :)

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I will enjoy crafting my own swords and robes with weaponsmithing and tailoring. (I'm going to be Teras Kasi/Fencer)


Lucrative? Either weapon or armorsmithing because you can only build so many buildings but everyone will need weapons and armor.


I think they will all be fun actually :D The devs said that they made adventures for every profession, including crafters...they need resources somehow ;)


Probably Mandelorian armor....I'm not sure but I think the devs said that only crafters can make this type of armor.


No! They will be better. The highest crafted items will be better than the highest quest/mob items.


I don't plan on makind droids. And I think plenty of people will need them for pets, translators, and repairers when SE comes out.




I think architecture will be very important because of there will be a lot if PA's and solo players will eventually want their own house.


Ohhh the SE better have ship upgrading or else! haha


Well, I dont think there will be much of a ratio seeing how you can be both adventurer and crafter at the same time :D


Erm, I plan on being both on one server.


I think crafters will be highly important to their PA's because they can make the best weapons in the game and can also build buildings for their city.


No, see you around.

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Just a quick comment...


please don't break the NDA or anything anyone... im just trying to get your minds working ;)


and thanks for the comments sid...


What im mainly hoping for is a possibilty of perhaps adding some sort of uniqueness to your items than any other crafter, and of course for once i would like to see crafted items be as powerful, and in some cases better than quest items (i really feel crafters have been short changed badly in this area in the past!)


and of course lots of cool droids that actually come in use in all areas and profesions... after all, whats the point of droids if they only look cool but dont do that much?!


anyway, what do you all think?!



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Well, don't know if it's considered a trade skill or not, but I'm really looking forward to being a creature handler and training my little critters up. :)


I do think architect will probably have the largest percentage of PA bots in its ranks. Using EQ as an example, a lot of guilds fill needed spots, (cleric, necro, evacer, even seen tank), with bots if they lack enough actual players for that job. The only apprehension with it, is levelling the dang thing. I believe with enough coin and such a PA could get a trader up fast.

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I agree with kai on the slight hindering of crafters creations. They're always good, fun to make and can be quite useful, but you're always eventually going to find something much better than what you've made and it's really unmotivating (in some repects).


But I mean, I'm not really sure of the crafting capabilities and i don't want anyone to break the NDA, but crafters should be able to make alterations on things. For example, increasing the AC of armour and adding little things onto it. Like i said before, i don't know the limitations. For all i know, you could whack on a few shoulder cannons onto your armour. But also things like improving the performance of your droids, weapons and the same goes over additional rooms and extentions on buildings.


But back to the actually topic :p I'm looking forward to seeing what people can do with droids, weapons and armour. Or combining the three to make some really cool stuff.



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Yeah, that would be very cool Shadow. Making the uber drops even better would really make crafters needed. In DAOC, alchemists can add procs and reactive effects to weapons and armor, and spellcrafters can add stat boosts to the same. I think that really adds to the desire to trade skill.


I still have that question though, would you all say that a creature handler would be a trade skiller or a combat class? If they are still allowing handlers to train and sell their critters wouldn't they be a trade skiller?

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Hiya Keev, i think i have an answer to your question... in my view... IF you could sell trained creatures to other players then its a trade... if the trained creatures will only work for you, then its not...


of course its a personal point of view... but thats how i see it...


Afterall... the definition of a trade is the creation of a product and the selling of that product... which would make creature handlers traders for sure if you could train them to follow other players.




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Originally posted by Dathan Surehand

I know what I craft will certainly depend on what can be crafted. As we advance further in our respective fields of craft, we will have more options. I would love to know what options we will have. How open is crafting? Can I craft anything once I master this field.:)


Well i will deffintley be looking for a good amoursmith and weaponsmith to supply me with my own goodies. :D


And otherwise, i will use my local PAs amoursmith and weaponsmith. Just message me in game guys if you want sales. :p

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Great post kai :). I'm also very excited about getting into crafting. I wondered some of the same things about what occupations would be the most lucrative or just plain offer the most work. I figure alot of people will want to make weapons, armor and droids, but I think i'm going to go into architecture. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think architects will be responsible for building factories and mining facilities as well as player housing? I'm not real sure on that, but I seem to remember reading it somewhere...But yeah, I think you'll have plenty of work doing just about anything, and if you get to the point where it just isnt going to work out anymore you can just sell your points back and start on another profession! :D

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Devlyyn Sarr Great post kai . I'm also very excited about getting into crafting. I wondered some of the same things about what occupations would be the most lucrative or just plain offer the most work. I figure alot of people will want to make weapons, armor and droids, but I think i'm going to go into architecture. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think architects will be responsible for building factories and mining facilities as well as player housing? I'm not real sure on that, but I seem to remember reading it somewhere...But yeah, I think you'll have plenty of work doing just about anything, and if you get to the point where it just isnt going to work out anymore you can just sell your points back and start on another profession!


Imagine if you start at launch and are prepared for those first PA's that need an architect. And you are ready for them. Cyaaash. Chaa ching.:p

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We have a few farmers out there but not many. Its just like the Teras Kasi profession, not alot of people want to do it...Everyone and there uncle wants to be a bounty hunter, creature handler, or weaponsmith. I mean you'd think in game there would be so many bounty hunters that there would be very little jobs for them. But that's what they have mission termanals for.

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Originally posted by Devlyyn Sarr

Yep, i'm really interested in seeing how the professions balance out. As long as every profession serves a specific purpose that is vital to the game, which they should, i'm sure it'll all work out .;)


All of what yu have stated will be how it is in the game. :)

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For those in Beta I hope you will let us know about the professions when the NDA is lifted.


I am curious about the crafters.


Which brought in more income?


Was the competition keeping the prices low?


Also if you were a crafter could you still venture out and explore the universe?


What profession could solo the best?


What profession was best in PvP?


Just a few, if someone feels like answering when the NDA is lifted.

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No. Making free items for the PA would be very stupid, on an economic basis. The economic circle is that adventurers loot, adventurers buys equipment for their loot from crafters, who uses the money to buy skills and materials, and then crafts items to sell to adventurers, who uses these items to get loot, and the chain goes on and on. Breaking it would be very rude towards our crafters, since they have to do all the work and get none of the creds for it.


Killing our internal economy is just plain stupid. Since the game works on the free market scheme of capitalism, we'll have to utilize it. To do that, we'll have to nurture our internal economy, and make it a viable opponent of the external economy. Making stuff for free is not making our internal economy a viable opponent of the external economy. Sorry, but it just isn't.

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