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Umm, what do you do here?


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Legalization of Marijuana - when you want a discussion that isn't about who want's to light a joint.


Sex - when you want a discussion that isn't just about who got laid last nigh and for people who can handle the word penis.


Abortion - for those who know what the word fetus means.


War - when you want a discussion that has more substance than SCREW BUSH! who are the iraqi's again? Congo? Wasn't that a movie? Korea..I thought we fought them ages ago





Basically a forum to discuss topics in the news w/o it resulting in a bunch of misguided youth flaming eachother and who can handle the word sex and mary jane.

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Umm... okay.... where's the forum where you can talk about anything besides JK, you know, those forums where you talk about games, news, make jokes, etc. (Sorry, but I'm not into these topics)


Also, is talking about stuff like ROMS allowed? If not, then I won't mention it.

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Originally posted by STTCT

I think that you are not allowed to talk about ROMS. Anything illegal such as Kazaa or pirating games is definately forbidden. I don't think I'd chance it...


Ok, there's some mixed feelings from the mods about this, but I'll permit discussions about Kazaa if it concerns the legal aspect of the filesharing, if people downloading music actually go out to buy it legally as well and so on. That's ok.


But please don't actively encourage use of it ("can anyone send me a copy of jk2?") or you'll have your ass banned seven ways to sunday. I'm sure you get the point.



As for penus, it might actually have been the original Latin word, where it's since been "Anglified".

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