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strange mentality of jk2


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Why doesn't FFA show skill? Especially in Dueling? I do not understand your logic. This game is not Counter-Strike, man, it has an option to be non-team-based for a very good reason, and part of that reason is to have people play with different types of skill and play preferences. Team play isn't the only way to go. Your methods are stupid! Your progress is stupid! Your intelligence is stupid! Perhaps you belong back playing Half-Life connastrike, ne?

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FFA does not show skill because of kill steals. The damage levels in this game are so small that when you do great damage to someone, another person can finish them off, whether sab or guns. Furthermore, in ffa guns, a flechette user who has poor accuracy can get as many points as a flechette user with good accuracy. In addition, I spoke not of duels as lack of skill. They show nf sabers skill. But I spoke of apathy in a large ffa server, and antipathy for the player. However, what I meant was even a true ffa game where the large part of players participate in fighting does not show skill due to the fact of the ease and mobility and widespread use of kill theivery. A very good player might stay back and control resources without dieing. A weaker player may fight in the open and kill alot but die alot.

Furthermore, I mentioned not as team play as the epitome of the portrayal of true skill. 1v1 is actually what I eluded to in my posts. 1v1 duel mode (not ffa duel) whether ff or nf and also 1v1 guns in any level. Beat someone 1v1 then you are truely better.


When you have half as much skill as me, then try to understand my views.


About my intelligence, I hardly could say you have the rights to debilitate and scorn it. For whence you mentioned CS your bigotry showed and partisan feelings against CS when you probably have little or none CS skill. I had never mentioned CS in any of my posts. Furthermore, spell CS correctly the next time buddy.

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in CS ppl are freakin nuts about anyone who beats them, kinda like this game. i got banned from every server i went to because "j00 must h4x!!1 56k ping and be kicking our asses! banned faggot!"



oh yeah...kynes...that's f*ing scary big words. don't you want to lower the reading level of that since most people here are under 12 years old?

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Originally posted by Rumor

in CS ppl are freakin nuts about anyone who beats them, kinda like this game. i got banned from every server i went to because "j00 must h4x!!1 56k ping and be kicking our asses! banned faggot!"



oh yeah...kynes...that's f*ing scary big words. don't you want to lower the reading level of that since most people here are under 12 years old?


The CS comparison is true on most levels (I enjoyed whipping the daylights out of one person on the CSR server and I swore I heard George Carlin's "List of Words You Will Never Hear on TV" being recited), and there are some professionals out there. The reason why everyone screams hacks over there is thanks to OGC. That and unintelligent admins who do not run C-D in conjunction.


Thankfully, we don't have to worry about hacks here, and we get to laugh at every n00b that cries hacks after taking a saber in the back.


...and now for something completely different.

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Reborn well don't you know first hand, phalanx boy.


About the aimbot, many people have already had access to it, it doesn't work well. Even with perfect aim, the only weapon it would be good with is disrupt since all projectiles otherwise shoot so slowly that you have to aim in front in order to hit.


o ya, completely forgot, it might work for getting out of gk's and lv 2 lightning if it aims for the head.


One question is it better to pull or push when getting out of gk. MAny times, you can pull a pk off your pull, but I'm not sure if push is easier to aim with.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Reborn well don't you know first hand, phalanx boy.


About the aimbot, many people have already had access to it, it doesn't work well. Even with perfect aim, the only weapon it would be good with is disrupt since all projectiles otherwise shoot so slowly that you have to aim in front in order to hit.


o ya, completely forgot, it might work for getting out of gk's and lv 2 lightning if it aims for the head.


One question is it better to pull or push when getting out of gk. MAny times, you can pull a pk off your pull, but I'm not sure if push is easier to aim with.


holding down mouse1 and going RRRAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would be a wiser choice than this bot. It's aim vectors are garbage.

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I guess I have to say it for the billionth time: WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT AN AIMBOT?!


The models in JKII do not have damage specific hitboxes (hell, they don't have hitboxes at all, I think), so what good is it going to do for you? Sure, you may land the disruptor with every single shot you take, but why?

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you sure about the hit boxes?


I could have sworn a side swing to the head does more damage than a crouch swing to the legs. I might be wrong though.


Maybe one of the model maker guys know.


trust me on that bot. spec and I played around with it a while back, it's junk. you have a better chance of closing your eyes and just pressing keys than you do using that p.o.s.


no one has to worry about it.

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The infamous el guapo, the intergalactic bandito alien has struck again.


*note this is by no means an “ownage” demo, actually there is very little fighting (serious fighting at least). It is however rather funny. These dozen or so guys went so far as to scamper off to a remote section of the map and form the “anti el guapo alliance”, complete with reborn/boss skins as their uniform.




It’s around 6mb a 30 minutes long (a full map) total but rather funny and a good example of how so few have a sense of humor in this game.


Btw mad props to anyone who knows where the name el guapo came from.


*this is pg-13 due to some idiot making a few racial remarks about my name so be warned.



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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

Carlin ****ing owns!!!!!1111111


or something.


btw the aimbot for jk2 finally went public (pretty easy to find as well) but no worries, it aims worse than desnipa drunk on a case of cheap beer.


yea its a piece of ****

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What I want to know is why the hell isn't there a death count. There should be. Lamers who run around the room slashing people that are chatting or not playing get high scores and when you yell at them they just say "look at the score, I'm owning you all!!" ..even though everyone in the entire server has killed them 5-10 times per person.


Oh well, just one of my peeves. A person witha 50:500 kill/death ratio would certainly STFU and look really stupid.

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Originally posted by Padawadawan

A person witha 50:500 kill/death ratio would certainly STFU and look really stupid.


I'd say that the same goes for people who arent' playing the game but still for some reason walk around in a FFA...and people who obviously don't care about having their virtual Jedi killed (putting your saber away in a FFA, hello?!?) but still go crazy if someone hits them. :D


No offense intended. Just my personal gripe. :)

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:deathstar:Yeah, Luc Solar - I definately agree with that. Most of the time when I want to play Outcast, I just want to go on and actually play. I personally don't like having to dodge spectators when there's a lot of action going on for fear that someone will boot me off (or get in my way!). If people want to spectate and not play at all, there should be a practical function to make them totally invisible and silent to people in the game (but still be in-game and seeing other spectators?).


Although, I think the sleaziest thing is "respecting" a saberdowner and then they grip you or something when you leave them alone. Either way, I wish some servers would have scoring turned off completely. It might be interesting to see how people react to it. This game's ability to be a battle and a virtual hangout for some ppl totally surprised me when I got it. I used to play rocket arena for Quake 1 and the 'waiting room' part was where people spent the most time; chatting and what not. Spectating can be really fun, but my mentality usually is to be ready for people to try and stab me at any time. It makes the game more dramatic!




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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

you sure about the hit boxes?


I could have sworn a side swing to the head does more damage than a crouch swing to the legs. I might be wrong though.


Maybe one of the model maker guys know.


trust me on that bot. spec and I played around with it a while back, it's junk. you have a better chance of closing your eyes and just pressing keys than you do using that p.o.s.


no one has to worry about it.


Raven changed the hit detection boxes per lucasarts request before the game went to gold. Originally they were supposed to be in there, hence the dismemberment feature. The detection was supposed to be like SOF2's is. Instead there's just one all encompassing box for hit detection. You can fudge around with it, and expand or contract it, but that's it. Headshots don't do anymore or less damage, that was one thing artifex tried to impliment in promod as well.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed





(used a legit e-mail on this one so it should not get closed)




My favorite part was when they killed you while doing this massive n00b bow. And they said something like "I wont bow to you!" or something like that. Aaaahh.. lol, that just struck me as something very hipocritical to say.... even to el gaupo. Doesn't saber down always = peace and love?

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