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Isn't it nice

The Count

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That this time Raven are placing so many models in the new game they are putting loads of races such as Zabrak, Twilek, Kel Dorrian etc. into the game when in outcast they had so little.


I remember the PC Gamer review saying that was what pissed them off not enough models, well now this also means the community modellers won't have as much time to devote to moddellling other things.

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I hate aliens, to be honest... And some of them in Star Wars looked ridiculous, mostly from the OT (like the blue elephant :rolleyes: ), but EpI + II had some too... Like Twi'leks... It seems I'm the only one who thinks they look ridiculous doesn't take those aliens seriously...

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I hate aliens, to be honest... And some of them in Star Wars looked ridiculous, mostly from the OT (like the blue elephant :rolleyes: ), but EpI + II had some too... Like Twi'leks... It seems I'm the only one who thinks they look ridiculous doesn't take those aliens seriously...

I can see you'll be joining the empire and their anti-alien policies right away. :D
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Yeah I'm getting used to twi'leks too, but still they look stupid... I think I'll get beaten up for that pretty soon I'm afraid :( But at least I have my imperial friends to watch after me :p


And you think our sorry excuse of bones and flesh passes off as beutiful to other species?


Yes of course I do, I mean, we are superior right ;):p :p ;):p;) (all right now you know I'm joking and not some sort of racist :rolleyes: ) Nah seriously, I don't really believe in other superintelligent species that exist in the SW universe. So it is pretty obvious I prefer to play as a human, because I just cant identify (hmmm is this correct english?) with those alien lifeforms...

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DT, dude! I was being sarcastic, no harm intended! The honestly was for the "corrector", not the "correctee".


Some of the aliens look dumb, but you have to admit, SW wouldn't be the same without them. If everyone was human, SW would look more like Trek and, to go further, would seem less authentic as a Fantasy set in Sci Fi. If a fantasy novel didn't have orcs, goblins, and other assorted ghouls, it wouldn't be as good, I think.


It's important to note that only a select few of the alien species in SW had speaking lines, and some of them were little more than fancy sock puppets. Jabba and Bib Fortuna did have speaking parts, but very few of the aliens from ANH did (Greedo...), probably because of the difficulty in making a big mask talk.

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I like the Twi'leks, and that will be my first choice when playing the game. I actually like most of the aliens in SW. I do agree that the blue 'elephant' looks like an oversized kid's cuddly toy bouncing around, but I suppose it appeals to the youngest audience amongst all the fuzz-balls and laser-brains. :D


I like aliens in general. Some of my best friends are aliens...er...I mean...I shouldn't have said that... ;)


I hope Raven continues along their current path and introduces even more races as choices. In fact, I hope they release an expansion pack soon after JA is released to increase the number of playable races even further. I really liked the way they enabled your own custom skins for use in Heretic II SP, including female characters, via an expansion pack. It would rock if they allowed that in JA. The more options the better...

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No offense, Emon, but I'll bet they knew that thing looked dumb 20 years ago, too.


SW films, since RotJ, have been more kid oriented than the first 2. Still, the Twi' Leks, that lounge singer from Jabba's palace, Jabba himself, the Gran, and countless others are pretty interesting. My favorites will always be those from Mos Eisley, but the newer races are cool, too (except that damn Twi' Lek rip off, Shaak Ti [http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/shaakti/index.html]).

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No offense, Emon, but I'll bet they knew that thing looked dumb 20 years ago, too.
Don't be too sure! People thought the creature from the black lagoon was scary, that Christopher Lee as Dracula was terrifying, and more recently, that the effects in ANH were so close to reality that it was unnerving. ;)
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