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Q's Post on why to play SWG


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For years now the developers have given the cryptic answer “To Live in the Star Wars Universe”. Many people get this” and have wanted to do just that for well over 20 years. However “Living” in the universe is too vague for some gamers (heck, most people don’t quite understand what the “point” of living in the real world is – I’ll give you a hint “to be good to one another”).


So for the goal minded folks out there, here is the “Point” of playing SWG:


1) Learn the basics of the game for a while so you don’t appear to be a newbie.

2) Accomplish all the different types of missions, from the quick and straight forward Mission Terminals to the multi-legged and more varied NPC static quests. You may need to travel beyond your starting city to find the more involved ones.

3) Gain enough money to buy (or gain enough skill to make) a good weapon and other equipment that suits your character.

4) Finish a themepark such as getting all the way to Jabba’s Throne Room. Beat at least 1 “dungeon” on every planet.

5) By doing factional missions or joining battlefields, gain enough faction points to rise up through the ranks in the Empire or Rebellion. Make enough points to try out all of the perks.

6) Join a Player Association that fits your play-style. Help others members to accomplish their unique goals and they will help you with yours.

7) Keep tabs on your Badges. You want to get over 100 of these to consider yourself a success in SWG.

8) Spend all of your skill points to master several professions. (Be sure you surrender some skills and learn new ones to find the character combination best for you)

9) Search the galaxy to find the spot you want to call home and build a house there so you can leave your mark on that galaxy. (Be sure to furnish it as an empty house doesn’t count)

10) When you are done with all that, work on figuring out how to unlock the Force Sensitive slot. If you can do that (and very few of you will and it will take several months, at least), then repeat the process with your new Jedi character until you are able to get the Jedi Master title.


When you have accomplished these 10 not-so-easy steps, you can say you have “won” the game”. There you have it. But please note, this list is subject to change as we add new content such as player cities, player vehicles, more quests, and full expansions.


Now, of course, feel free to substitute any of the above with other activities you enjoy in the game, such as becoming a famous entertainer, well-sought after crafter, always in demand doctor or highly feared bounty hunter. Or just have fun exploring, fishing, dueling, getting married, attending parties, meeting new people, helping people stuck in step one or even hosting your own events for each other. Definitely try to Role Play (it isn’t hard, you don’t have to act goofy, just don’t bring real world conversation into the spatial chat).




Kevin O’Hara

community Relations Manager









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11. Rear-end somebody in space, then pretend you left your license on your other lightsaber belt, then exclaim, "Oops!"


11 a. After rear-ending someone, ponder why no one attempted to kill you. Learn that everyone is disenfranchised with Jedi, and that nobody cares that you are one anymore.


11 b. Cry like the Jedi baby that you are, and make fun of yourself in an Arnold Swarchzenegger voice.


Sorry for that terrible post and the ideas contained therein. It could be someone's dream...


Sunshine's in game dream: To become the first Russian Comedian Jedi, and make a good living.

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