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you will use notepad to create the file

if you are making the changes to the regular skin name it model_default.surf, if changing the red skin name it model_red.surf, and if changing the blue skin name it model_blue.surf


you will need to know what the bodypart is called in the skin file to be able to modify it. open the model_default.skin file in the original pk3 file to find what it is called


if you were going to remove the collar, belt, and shoulderpad from the kyle model then the text in the surf file would be the following


surfOff "hips_belt torso_collar torso_shoulder_pad"


you would then put the surf file in a pk3 file (i suggest using pakscape) and make sure you use the right directorys, for the kyle skin it would be "model" then "players" and then "kyle" and the surf files would go in the kyle directory


then put the pk3 file in the base folder

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they better have facial support for when i put them into single player. hey he says he values accuracy and last time i checked people open their mouths when they talk so if they dont have facial support i dont think that would be very accurate

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Oops,... No, you're not blind, I guess I'm just stupid.


Someone asked me the same question somewhere else. But to answer your question here,... Yeah, I intend to have all the models I work on completely animated, including models like the Gamorrean. I just guess my mind must be going,..



My mind is going,..



My mind is going,..




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This is the first time I have looked at your work and I am really impressed. You can really tell you just love doing this stuff too. There is so much care put into the textures especially. Modelling is really top notch. Very nice work.



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Personally, Hapslash, I'm a huge admirer of your art. I find myself frustrated with so many of these modelers (though they are talented). They focus soley on the prequels. Which I personally despise. So thank you very much for being the balance man. Your awesome man.


Have you ever thought of doing a dark Empire Luke? Or maybe one of the Solo Kids? I'd love to see a de luke. And I have many reference pics for the solo children.

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Thanks everyone,...

Your opinions are highly valued and your praise is always accepted,... :dev7:


I find myself frustrated with so many of these modelers (though they are talented). They focus soley on the prequels. Which I personally despise.
Yeah, my focus has been primarily the classic trilogy, for I too have ultimately been disappointed with the prequels.


I could have lived with Episode I, but after seeing Episode II,... that was the second time in my life where I walked out of a theater while thinking to myself, "What in the name of god was that?!... I think I've just been ripped off" , the only time before that was after 'The Lord of the Rings',...


Now I have the feeling that Episode III will be exponentially worse than it's predecessors. In fact at this moment I'm not even planing to see it in the theater. Lucasfilms will have to have a supreme trailer, of extraordinary magnitude, before I'll ever put my money down for it.


Have you ever thought of doing a dark Empire Luke? Or maybe one of the Solo Kids?
I have given some thought to doing more work with the expanded universe, but I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of it.


While some of the characters would be interesting to work on, at the rate I'm going, I'm not sure if I would ever get around to actually finishing them. I know that a lot of the projects I would like to do will probably never even get to the planning stages, so I've been trying to buckle down and get some select models finished before starting any new ones.


But you never know, I just might find the urge to do another EU or two in the future,... ;)

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