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Originally posted by HapSlash

If they were to be put into the game, I can't imagine which weapons most of them would replace,...

I have a small coding project in mind that would allow for dozens of weapons, so I for one really look forward to seeing what you can get in-game.

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I've been to the Parts of Star Wars site, but I totally missed the blueprint on my way through, Thanks!


I have a few decent photos of real Lewis MG's, and made everything to scale based off of them, so the proportions should be correct,...


But, what I've really been looking for are detailed pics of the different parts of the weapon, so I can see the small details that would only be visible on the skin.





I noticed that in the last image I posted, I forgot to include the top plate of the body, which changes the way it looks. Here's a complete image with a few new rings around the barrel.



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One can only hope,...


I had originally wanted to release something this month, but after catching the plague from my brothers kids during Thanksgiving all my plans were shot to hell. But in keeping with the spirit of the season I probably passed it on to some poor unsuspecting soul,....



Hey, it's better to give, than receive! :dev7:



But with the time that I was able to work, I finished up 3 of the 4 LODs on the Improved Stormtrooper. Here's a shot of those finished LODs,... 1, 2, & 4.



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Originally posted by t3rr0r

impressive. way better than raven's lods. :eek:


I used the Raven models as reference to get my lods as close to theirs as possible. But, I'll admit that the new Stormtrooper base has 150-200 more polys per LOD, not including the new extras.

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