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My Friend Test!

Darth Homer

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Darth Homer, my friend, Lover of Star Wars, preferably the Sith, and Monty Python. Working Tech Support for a large Super Market Chain, you get by each day with your refined and healthy sense of humor, which runs the gambit across a wide spectrum of funny. And though, your humor is your main medium in which you connect to others, your intelligence cannot help but shine through. You are one of the few people who could take physics and make it into a stand up routine! Homer, you make me smile, and that is only one, of many, reasons I call you friend.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Darth Homer, my friend, Lover of Star Wars, preferably the Sith, and Monty Python. Working Tech Support for a large Super Market Chain, you get by each day with your refined and healthy sense of humor, which runs the gambit across a wide spectrum of funny. And though, your humor is your main medium in which you connect to others, your intelligence cannot help but shine through. You are one of the few people who could take physics and make it into a stand up routine! Homer, you make me smile, and that is only one, of many, reasons I call you friend.


At the risk of stealing STTCT's favorite word...WOOT WOOT!! :)


Thanks for that, Havoc...I had a rough day and that just lifted my spirits.


Oh, and I hope no one who made one of the friend tests took offense at what I said, I was merely stating my opinion.


Now then, have you heard the one about the Proton that crossed the road? ;)

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