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Star Wars Banner Artists


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I am putting together a message board for Sunrunner players and I'm looking for some people with talent for putting board banners together with a Star Wars theme, because, well, I pretty much suck at anything needing better computer savvy than MS paint.


Board is at http://pub49.ezboard.com/fsunrunnerfrm8.showMessage?topicID=2.topic


I put a generic (yes, ms paint) banner up as a placeholder, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get some submissions from you guys with talent and have a contest for everyone to vote on.


I know most of you guys are going to Starsider, and I will have a character too, but I'm not going to fight the crowds trying to log in to an over populated server.


Anyway, any of you have talent for this stuff?

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Yes, a banner like this board has, but as far as content and feedback, I am completely open.


Anyone have any ideas?


It's just that there's so MANY boards out there for Starsider specific (this is my favorite NON-specific server board, btw :D )


There's like NOTHING for Sunrunner people to gather at. Trying to give them a board that they will feel comfortable with, get them pumped about playing, meet the other players going there, ya know?

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Originally posted by Danyx

Yes, a banner like this board has, but as far as content and feedback, I am completely open.


Anyone have any ideas?


It's just that there's so MANY boards out there for Starsider specific (this is my favorite NON-specific server board, btw :D )


There's like NOTHING for Sunrunner people to gather at. Trying to give them a board that they will feel comfortable with, get them pumped about playing, meet the other players going there, ya know?


How about buy some of your own hosting and get phpbb on it, that will work. :)

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Somone else is working on the web-site. I'm just helping with the forum to it. We just want our own community site like SGR-RP, the Starsider board except for SUNRUNNER.


We want our site to be just about Sunrunner, the divisions of forums reflecting events on our server, getting to know those playing there, talking about fixes and solutions with cities being built on Sunrunner.


The board here is fine, but it's across all servers. The section here for Sunrunner is not divided into separate forums for the separate issues we want to communicate on, all the topics are thrown into one pot.


Don't get me wrong, this is a great site for people into SWG, and there are other great sites like Lore and Stratics to find specific info on, reference sites.


But like in EQ where most servers had their own message boards with their own communities, we would like a board of our own.


So, back to topic, yes, need ideas for banners, need artists. Open to anything you can throw this way.

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The board here is fine, but it's across all servers. The section here for Sunrunner is not divided into separate forums for the separate issues we want to communicate on, all the topics are thrown into one pot.

Well, like I said in the thread in the Sunrunner forum, we are able to create subforums to the Sunrunner forum and name them anything we want.


Just check out the Associates. They were the first PA that got subforums on their PA forum. ;)

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Look, Jan. This board is cool and all, but not everyone likes to have mods babysitting you into staying in topic. Not everyone wants to earn points before they can post their sig pictures. Not everyone likes the rules.


This is a nice board, but its not our site, it's yours, or someone elses, whoever owns it. Maybe we don't want permission to have glowy names. Maybe we want different emoticons.


There's nothing wrong with your boards. I like them. But that doesn't mean they fit what we are looking for. We want our own board of Sunrunner people to be free to post sig pix and get to know each other freely in our own way. Shadowfox is building us a web site, our OWN web site that we want to be as proud of as you are of your site. I'm just helping out with the board. In the end it might not even be the board we use if his site comes with a message board package, in which case we will redirect from my board to the new one and change the link on the main page.

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my entry


also posted on your boards danyx.


err...i so dislike http://www.ezboard.com it just feels icky.

whatever works works tho.


when u get the chance, convert to ubb or somethin.



o ya i am ieruka on those boards ^^



i too dislike how these boards require points for menial things like putting a picture in your signature.

anyone wanna donate? heh heh

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