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Whos the best player, or clan?


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Originally posted by KoR_KevoR

I was just wondering whos the best player, or whos the best clan




:p lol no actually, there are quite a ton of players out there and there are so many styles of play in JK2 that I think it would be quite difficult to find the *best* player/clan. Besides, there are a lot of clans who claim they're the best :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Rumor

FF/SO shock ~, sd are the best. my clan is tryin to tag along ^^


guns (no real clue but i saw a demo of sd/ap and it was rape) /2ise, sd, aP


CTF (ff/so) fk, X


NF sin, aim, sdf


I met aim once. Yeah he's pretty good... beat him... but one tough cookie none-the-less. :nut:

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

I agree on AIM and SiN, they got some pretty nice saberists that I like going toe to toe with.


SDF, on the other hand... Never heard of them.



**^1SDF^7** house of pwnage


Skate from {FotS} is in **SDF** I'm not sure about the rest of their clan but I think some former AIM guys are in as well.


SDF owns SiN pretty bad from what I've heard. SiN won't face them in any official match, but then again SiN/M0H never would face anyone other than random GameSpy noobs who hang out in the chat lobby.

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nah sin has a match w/ SDF


seeker who was in =-AJO-= with me and then he went to <|DLS|> is in it last i heard. but then i haven't seen him in over a month. he was often in the top 10 on darkstats. he's a monster too.

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Originally posted by Pyro

best clan: i.Fear

best player ff: i.Fear::FalleN

best player nf: i.Fear::411_Monkey


Anyone who knows anything about the JK2 community knows that there's only ONE true FALLEN in this game and he is I and I is him. And my in-game tag is [fk]fallen.


Secondly, i.Fear = dead clan. Not to mention that no 4 person clan can ever be considered "the best clan", perhaps "the best dueling clan" but never "THE BEST CLAN". Besides, Shock = the best FF duelers.


Best clan needs to be determined based on over all skill, not skill in one area. You'd have to seperate it for that. And certainly no clan that lasted but a month can be considered "the best".


Here's the real deal which can be backed up by the clans competitve records in leagues/ladders/and tournaments such as teamwarfare.com, xtgl.com and jk2l.com







I don't care two craps about No Force and not even going to get into the stupidity I think entails NF gaming in this community.


You can't base clan status on a month of playing against 2 of their players. Especially when all they do is duel and play 2v2's. Especially when there's some of us that have been around since the beginning and still going strong!

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Reborn you obviously failed to understand what I was saying. DSbr would rape those clans in a guns match right now, and they all still play under aliased names, don't believe their hype on the TWL forums.


Secondly, sorry Pyro, that kid irritates me, can't believe Rumor took them back into grendel.


And thirdly, Reborn, 2v2 does not count as TFFA. That's not a team. 2 people will never be considered a team in my book. Team games you're forced to rely on your teammates, 2v2 does not have the dynamics of a full team game. AND, you didn't beat US, you beat 2 guys who haven't played TFFA since we quit the TWL ladder one of which was a trainee so please. You want to prove something, grab 4 guys and play us in 5v5 FF/SO CTF, we'll see if you can cap even once. You're more than welcome to look at our match record.



And from what I heard you did use the energize script, the only way now days to prove anyone's good at TFFA is to disallow Team Energize because of it's exploitability. Everyone knows it now, so it's become who can whore drain the fastest. That script killed tffa's hence why there's no TDM ladder on TWL anymore. Thank FotS for that crap.


So in closing please don't brag about any stupid 2v2's. They're not a true team game. Come play CTF and see if you can cap on us. I'd put money that you couldn't cap even once, much less get the flag out of our base. :)

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The script sucks and I wish it never would have been introduced but the bottom line is it was.


We played FotS with both teams clean and legit and beat them 2 maps back to back like 100 to 30 and 100 to 40 respectively.


Less than *three weeks later they rematched us with the script and we lost something like 100 to 13 and 100 to 3.


We then got their script and started doing 2v2's against these "super elite" players.


Crow and I decimated every one of their teams and those teams were the very same people who were god like when we didn't have that script.


One team using that script could be full of total retards but still beat a team with 10x their skill just by draining until all 4-5 guys were out of force and ripe to be picked off because a manual energize can't compete with it.



Now that said after the bull**** we put up with in and after that match I made a decision that no team would ever screw us like that again.


Every member of our team has it and although we don't always use it you bet your ass that it can and is turned on the second we suspect others of having it.



And as for trusting clans, I have a pretty decent memory and I do recall right after this script went public rumor, reborn and guys from other clans personally asked me for it and asked me for help in how to set it up.


If you use it or not, only you know but I do know who I gave it to and/or told where to get it so I tend to ignore people's claims when they say they have no knowledge of it.


Bottom line is it is out there, every one has it and if you go into a match and choose not to use it that's your option. But at this point claiming you got hosed by it is kind of irrelevant because *all the teams have it and you know people are going do what ever they can to win.

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Originally posted by SD_ReBoRN__

We scrimmed you FK, we won by like 30 WITHOUT FOTS on bespin. Of course you won on Warring Factions but what the hell does that prove. Your light of course you win.


Well props to you for the win but trust me man this fk you faced and the old school fk with special and fallen are worlds apart.


Not to slight the new fk line up, solid team without a doubt but it's not the same.


These guys beat myself, break, screed, imp and crow pretty bad and this was back when we were "in our prime" (as in we played every day and still had an interest in the game).


Their 1v1 skill was not all that great but their team work was the best I've ever seen since I've played this game.


Now I admit back in SF we never really took team play serious nor did we ever really practice but that's no excuse.


These guys had almost clock like precision in the way they worked and no matter how skilled you were unless you had the experience and team work they did you could not even touch them.

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Reborn, if I wasn't there you didn't play us. You have NEVER played us in CTF. PERIOD. You cried to Kynes about posting a demo of a match that "you didn't count", and you're pulling crap outta your arse. You never played FK, you scrimed our trainee's. Sorry, that's not FK.


With Me and Mega on D, SiN on Support, and Focus and Trick capping we'd whoop you 20+ to 0 in CTF. I didn't play. Focus didn't play. Hell I don't even know what the hell you're talking about playing us in anything. You couldn't beat our starters in CTF or cap on me and mega's defense. End of story, if you think you can challenge up and make it official, otherwise just end the discussion.


And Trick told me they used it on Bespin in the little scrim. So don't lie Reborn, it's quite unbecoming.

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