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Here's what I've been making... (Part of Ramsees Hed)

ewok mercenary

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I've been making a section of Ramsees Hed for the MOD team so that they can see if I'm good enough to join them: Well I've managed to get a bit of work in on it and I thought I'd show you all what I've made so far. I had a few ideas on what I could do with the area when I found out the big block was actually an engine cluster... then I read Stormhammer's thread again and noticed he had already had some of the same ideas such as properly modelled engines and grating around them.


Comments, criticism and total praise about my excellent mapping skills (Yeah, right...) are completely welcome. In fact, you should feel obliged to post something...







Well, what are you waiting for?







Have you posted yet? No, I thought as much...



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The grating around the engine is a nice touch. I would recommend you to use your imagination abit to enhance the area abit...for example we can make sloped walls now ;), its a small area but looks good.

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my take on that part of the level was that it was the exterior of a Corellian Corvette, the same as the Tantive IV. In that case, the engines would look far different from whats in your map.


any experts here know which kind of ship Kyle is supposed to be smugling aboard?



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It's a good start, and I like what you've done so far. It actually looks like the backend of a ship now. :thumbsup:


The grating looks good as well. Maybe you could alter it slightly to make it appear that it can be removed for when the ship blasts off, though. Maybe a hole in the wall where it could retract when not in use...


And of course, those walls need to show blast scars, but that's a matter of texturing.


Keep up the great work. :cool: I can't wait to see more.

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About the grating, I thought it would be see-through but it just has black in between the metal, so I looked for a texture I could use that was and I found the one around the ion cannons on Artus Topside. Thing is, I can't find it in the editor... Does anyone know where it is?

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Well, remember that the Correlian Corvette is a favorite for big-time smugglers and especially pirates.


I believe the Corvette has a medum-sized cargo bay. Its built mostly for speed.


But I agree, The Corvette has engines like this:







Also, get from somewhere the scale, if you;re going to recreate a Corvette in the level, please make the engines the correct size so we don't get screamed at by Star Wars purists. =)


If its not a corvette you're making, there's still too many engines.


I think you should make the tubes a LOT bigger and a lot less of them too.

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from the cutscenes though the ship in question certainly appears to be a Corvette. It is too small to fit that entire level in, but then again, I think the north end of the map is in a hanger (where the bath rooms are) and the south part of the map is the ship itself.

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That wouldn't make sense; if what you're saying is correct, the place where the tracking device is placed wouldn't take off with the ship.

About the screenshots, certainly reduce the amount of engines. Even if it isn't a corvette, there's far too many. Good start, though, but as Salv said making better use of the capabilities of JO's engine is a must, particularly if you want to make a convincing looking ship.

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