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#adventuregamers : for if you really miss chitchat

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A lot of Adventuregamers.com forum regulars already found out that irc is not evil and can be a pleasant add-on for your ag.com-experience. And their numbers only have grown since the downfall of our online "home"


Now all we are missing are some of the forum regulars like Intrepid and Moosto join the show ;) Just open your favorite irc client and enter "/server irc.mechwars.net" and then "/join #adventuregamers"


Since a few days we also have a bot*, called razputin, in the channel that keeps track of the birthdays and the statistics of the people in the channel, you can check the stats he keeps track of here


next to that we have another bot in the channel called glottis and I bet BigJKO can explain all about him...



*bot, or irc-bot, stands for robot, and in this case it's nothing more that a handy software tool to do some usefull tricks, like keeping stats and welcoming people to the channel...

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Originally posted by Moosferatu

I resist!




Ok, if I was home I would probably have already caved my now, but I'm not and I don't want to mess with it on my Grandpa's computer. I guess the chat room will remain Moosless yet.


New AG campaign: Turn the moose loose. :)

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Originally posted by Firefoot

I kinda missed you hanging out there all day Moos... but that's clear now... You weren't suppressed by Fig! ;)


I will try to be here twice a day this summer. Like I said in an old thread in the old forum, I am currently in America and can't be online as much. But when August 15 rolls around Fig and I will be back in force!:D

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Originally posted by Moosferatu

I will try to be here twice a day this summer. Like I said in an old thread in the old forum, I am currently in America and can't be online as much. But when August 15 rolls around Fig and I will be back in force!:D

:eek: Twice a day...! And even more when you're back in Hungary... I'm glad if I'm able to visit once every 2 days... :o

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Razputin is cool... he keeps track of all the stats...



!stat [name]; this will show some stats about the person, or about you if you don't supply any

!tstat [name]; same, but only todays stats

!top10; top 10 written words

!ttop10; top 10 written words of today

!top10 smilies; top 10 of smilies

!ttop10 smilies; top 10 of smilies of today

!date <name>; requests birthdate of someone (if set)

!seen <name>; requests the last time seen of the person specified


and probably lotsa more... ;)

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According to the stats, I'm the one having the largest vocabulary, and writes the longest sentences. (i.e. I talk the most and longest... dunno if that's something I'd like to flaunt...)


I'm happy to report that there has been loads of game-talk lately! I guess the forum REALLY has been missed!

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