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Ashton Kutcher Is Batman...

Boba Rhett

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The Bat Twins... *drools*

Clooney owns, but sucked as Batman. (GO DANNY OCEAN!)

Val Kilmer is an uber-stud. *nods to STTCT*

Anyone who's seen Chasing Amy knows Ben Affleck can act.

Nolan owns. 'Nuff said.

X2 owned X-Men

Spiderman was good the first time, but has no replay value.

Vinny Jones should play one of the bad guys.

Kutcher wouldn't be bad, but I'm sure there's someone better.

If I see Owen Wilson in ANY comic book franchise movie, I'm going to hunt down whoever casted him, and put my boot so far up their ass they'll be tasting polish for the rest of their lives.


And finally,

Bruce Campbell for Batman!









I mean, who WOULDN'T want to see a Delta 88 Batmobile?

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett


*grabs Bruce Cambell and runs off with him into the woods*


*looks at Rhett*

*shows concern*


How about Matt DAmon for Batman. He's not doing anything. If you can't get Affleck get Damon.



edit-I was joking when I said this. I wasn't joking about the concern though. :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

What the...



E! Online reports that Ashton Kutcher is the sole candidate for the role of Batman:


That's right, Ashton Kutcher.


Yes, in a world gone mad, Kutcher moves from Dude, Where's My Car? to playing the Dark Knight. But as he is basically attaching himself to every project in Hollywood right now, when approached about Batman, he quietly attached himself to that, too. Yes, this might change, but at present, he's the man in the cowl.


As a responsible journalistic outlet, we have to ask: How the hell did this happen?! Well, when now out director Brett Ratner got close to casting Superman this year, he tested and retested Kutcher, who apparently did well. The "known mostly as a comic actor and that's even a stretch" Kutcher seemed to want Bats over Supes (who wouldn't?) and is now close to being announced as the lead in the flick to be directed by Christopher Nolan.





*Gets very dizzy*


How.... what... I....


....brain..... imploding....





*falls down*





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