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Modeling Tutorials

The Cheat

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search in this forum for the keyword "surf".


A surf file is a file that turns on and off body parts, like kyles shoulder pad. Not all body parts do this. Only some models have some parts you can turn on and off. After that yes you have to use a modeling progy to do it.

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Alright im sorry: i usually dont mind people requesting models, but Bouba, how old are you? cuz you're acting like a 5 year old kid!!


There is a request forum for that, no need to spam un-related threads like this one!


In french if you prefer:


Bouba, tu devrais arreter de faire des request dans chaque thread que tu vois pour les model de Kain.


Utilise plutot le "request thread", meme si tu a deja fait ta demande des centaines de fois. :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Psyk0Sith

Yeah hmm sorry, i think he deleted his post from this thread...and please dont tell me to STFU, that's rude :),


Next time you see me act like an idiot, just tell me in a civilized manner, thanx.

STFU is very civilized.


It's very different then shut the f*ck up.

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