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What Kind Of Force System Do We Want?


what kind of force powers system do YOU want in the new game?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. what kind of force powers system do YOU want in the new game?

    • JO
    • MOTS
    • other, plz state?

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hello all


i think i can speak for almost everyone here when i answer this with: "anything but the bloody JO system!" lol. actually the JO system wasn't that bad but i think we all got fed up a bit with having to be all dark and all light.

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jk2 force system needed a few tweaks here and there but the biggest problem was with the noobs who played, not the system.


Most saber noobs only want force jump (no kicks!!!11111) and absorb. To them everything else is gay/lame/cheap.


People also always babble on about "balance" but forget what sucks in one mode rules in another.


Does light suck in duels?


Yes, but it owns in guns and CTF.


You can never have balance across the board when you have so many different game types so before anyone starts whining about it again just please stop.


Well you could if you changed each power for each game type but I don’t see that happening and people would just complain about the differences like they did between the jk2 sp/mp anyways.

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How many threads are you going to start about you not liking the light side and that the dark side is "l33t"? These conversions should all stay on one thread.


If you don't like the light side, play using the dark side.

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I voted for the MOTS-system.


I never played it online and hardly remember what it was about, but I imagine that a more open system might be cool.. as an option anyways.


But if that happens, Raven needs to ditch most of the old powers or make choosing a certain power disable others resulting in a pretty similar system we got now in JO.


Absorb-grip? ... don't like the sound of that. :(

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yeah, i think that light and dark shouldnt be mutually exclusive, until you get up to the highest tier of powers, like in JK1 where you couldnt get the highest abilility unless you had no points assigned to the opposite side of the force.

It made it so dark jedi could get force seeing to see all those invisible light jedi :) much better than JK2, unless you're light, you cant see invisible people- very annoying..but i just blow em up with a well placed flechette shot anyway :)

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shock ~ unnamed, I think you totaly missed the question, the uestion he asked was about the force selection set up screen. Its been different in every game. He didn't ask about wether people liked the force powers or balence.



To the question, I liked MOTS, it hasa a lof of options, I like options. Though the JK aspect of only having light or dark when you get some many was cool.

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sorry guys, i forgot to add the JK SYSTEM. oops, sorry for all that guys


as for you prime, IF you were talking to me when you said that i was starting a thread about how "the light sux", you are mistaken. this poll i was just curious on how many wanted a diff force system... thats all


if you weren't then sorry and have a nice day :D

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Originally posted by Rockstar

as for you prime, IF you were talking to me when you said that i was starting a thread about how "the light sux", you are mistaken. this poll i was just curious on how many wanted a diff force system... thats all

Fair enough :) I was responding to the "I speak for everyone when I say the JO system sucks".
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thats all cool man


that was really just a kinda joking statement about all the conning of the current force system :p




i would really like a MOTS system or something close if both sides of the force could access the weaker sides of each side of the force and the lightside could maybe use grip, however they could only put a max of 2 points on it, and they would not beable to use lightning at all (as it is too dark). and the same for the dark side, they could use protect at lvl 2, but not heal (as it is too good)


the powers would be like in a heirachy where the further you go one way, the less you can the other way, however you should not beable to put full points in powers of the opposing side of the force. and the really powerful abilities (like lightning) should allow for no powers on the other side at all

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