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Questions for Beta testers.


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Spent the better part of my free time in the last few days looking at the Character Builder on Allakhazams SWG site. I have pretty much narrowed down three possibilities I will shoot for when I maxed out my character. All three are creature handler/carbineer chars with just a few variations in the extras. I have a bunch of quetions to ask for those who have already been on the inside.


1. Can you change or alter your character attributes at creation, ie Health, Strength, Action, Mind and such or do they just go with a set template? Can they be changed or improved over time?


2. Which of the HAM stats have the biggest effect for a Creature Handler? And a Carbineer?


3. When you "buy" a second starting prof, do you get all the tools for that prof automatically or must they be bought separately? In other words should I start Scout and pickup marksman or vice-versa, or does it even matter?


4. Any other advice for the creature handler or carbineer profs?


Thanks for answering if you do...





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Originally posted by Krymelord

1. Can you change or alter your character attributes at creation, ie Health, Strength, Action, Mind and such or do they just go with a set template? Can they be changed or improved over time?


3. When you "buy" a second starting prof, do you get all the tools for that prof automatically or must they be bought separately? In other words should I start Scout and pickup marksman or vice-versa, or does it even matter?


I can answer 1 and 3 for you, i might be wrong but what the heck. ;) You setup all your skills at the character creation screen. But you still got to learn them in the game itself, like to learn BH you got to battle a large amount of creatures and enemys.


Then you earn skill points which go towards skills you picked. :)


And number 3 would be, you don't get all the tools you have to earn the skills by skill points. For example marksman, shooting animals etc for points, and you will end up getting a skill added to your person. :D


Like i said i don't know if im right or not, but this is out of the back of my head. :p

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From what I hear, you can change your attributes at character creation. You can change them afterwards, but it takes a really long time, because they have to 'migrate'. Because of the system, I'm assuming you can only have a set amount of attributes. IE. 12 Str, 10 Con, or 2 Str, 20 Con, or 21 Str, 1 Con...all totaling 22 points. This is just a guess though. Also, those numbers don't represent real ingame stats.


Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. D_S will probably be able to shed some light though. He's a Creature Handling Masta! :D

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1) set template depending on one of the six base classes you choose. Yes you can migrate stats but that takes.... time... maybe lots of it.


2) HAM stats are what they are. Action dicates how much special moves you can do. Health is HP. And mind affects harvesting, headling etc.


3) no, depending on whatever starting profession you choose, you'll start out with their stuff. that's it.


4) Who knows what is going to be fixed by release tomarrow. It's very hectic now.

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Thanks for the replies up until now...


Let me clarify my questions. I totally understand the skill system, and how different experience effects different skill. I was just wondering about Attributes.


I did not know they migrate (which is helful, thank you). What I was wondering was:


Is it like EQ where you get base stats and some extra points to put where you choose or just set attributes by template? The reason I ask is I wanted to get an idea for which to pick as my starting profession.


Here are the 2 possibilities for what I want from the info I got from Allakhazam.


___________Rodian Scout___________Rodian Marksman













With this in mind, I wanted to get an idea of what changes I can make to this at creation. Does creature handling skills involve mostly mind abilities? If so Scout would be the best choice IMHO and then pick up marksman later. If not it might be better to start with a larger health pool and possibly "migrate" the other pools later on. Regardless of what it is, I won't be able to log in until mid July but I wanted to get an idea for what my plan will be. Any other opinions on the Creat Han/Carbine combo or the 2 respective professions are welcome.


Remember I am still stuck out here in this god-awful desert and this is the closest I will get to playing for a while.






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Good news: when you're in the touritorial(sp?) you can change your HAM (hehe, thats wounds funny) with out any wait for migraton. Meaning: change all the attributes you want in during the touritorial because they do it instantly.


Note: I read this off a reliable site, but I haven't confirmed it with any Beta tester yet.

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It is in game, it has been in game, it will be in release. What do you mean they took it out? It's been there as long as I've been testing, and they make it a point to tell you in the tutorial that you should make any changes before you leave. Unless they removed this sometime today (doubtful as I've been frantically reading dev posts on the Beta boards), then I don't know where you are getting this bad information.


There was an exploit someone just found last night regarding this, but that should be fixed by release.


Or maybe I'll, get lucky and they'll leave the EXTREME STAT BUG in. Heheh.

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