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Where'd your reserve your copy?


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i got mine from eb but i did it earlier today and so they said its 50/50 wether ill get first shipment. i will die if i dont though. i think i will cause they said they had only put in the order for shipping the day before and that they always have some excess ones. just depends how many other people pre order after the order was placed.:D

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

I reserved mine at EB @ the local mall and already paid for it. I'll be the first in line to receive it!!


You're joking right? You think you're going to beat me to Greece Ridge Center? I work right there dippy.


Hey, we can do coffee at my work while we wait....though I do actually have to work. :(

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Payed 17 for preorder last october, then finished preorder saturday. Im gonna be first to my mall in California to get that game. I also got a discount on strat guide. But have no fear people, I didnt get it for the spoilers, just a read for the 40 min bus ride home :)

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Originally posted by The Punisher

I checked EBgames.com today and it said the Release was the 25th. Hopefully that's when they ship it, so we don't have to wait two more excruciatingly painful days.


yea the 25th is the ship date...

so if u do order online next day shipping before shipping time i dunno...when is that...6pm?

then you'll get it on the 26th.

i don't know what the point is of preordering ONLINE if u dont do next day shipping =P

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