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Monkey island 3 for mac?


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Does ScummVM work better than, say, VirtualPC? I tried running CMI on VirtualPC...needless to say it didn't work. Froze after about five minutes.


Believe me Oosh, you're not the only one who'd like to see a CMI for Mac. Actually, what I'd really like to see is a rerelease of the Mac versions of MI1 and 2 with a Mac-able CMI all in one set, like they sell for the PC.


Until then, it looks like I'll be looking for this ScummVM.

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Probably he was just lucky. I've never had any luck with VirtualPC. I tried running the first two MI games on it, too, before I got Mac versions of them...they both froze any time I went into a bar. (Just my luck--I probably got the only copy of VirtualPC that frowned on underage drinking!)


By the way, Remi, is there a version of ScummVM for Mac OS 9? I've only been able to find an OS X version.

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ScummVM is only available fror MacOS X. There was a 9 port of the really old versions but nobody is supporting 9 anymore that I know of. All ports you'll find for 9 are too old to have any CMI support.


In all honesty, if your computer is too old to run MacOS X, you probably wouldn't have a chance of running CMI at a playable speed anyway. If you do have a computer that can run MacOS X you should have upgraded a year ago, man. Get with the times. :)


And yes, ScummVM plays CMI almost perfectly. I think there might be some problems with the ship combat section, but maybe even those work? I have played through most of CMI on my Mac using ScummVM, straight off the Windows CD's.


On my 450mhz G3, CMI runs at full speed (if I quit almost everything but the Finder), which is far better than any performance I ever got out of VirtualPC, which always seemed to have a 2 second lag with the audio, if it ever ran at all.


(side note: Virtual PC won't play Monkey 1 or 2 at all. The video mode they use seems to crash it. VPC will play CMI though, it just does a crappier job than ScummVM)



What sort of Macs are you guys wanting to use to play CMI?

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My computer's not that far off from yours, Jake. It's a 400mhz G3 iMac, running 9.1. I'd put OS X on this thing, but to be honest, I doubt it would like it much...this computer has some serious problems with system upgrades. We've got another computer in the house that would probably handle OS X just fine (733mhz G4), but it's my father's computer. And to be honest, I think that OS X scares him.


Well, I'll be getting a new computer in a year or so, and that will have OS X...

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