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Tipping (not cows)


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This is probably a difficult question to quantify but...


What is considered a normal tipping amount/percentage for entertainers and medics? I tipped some musicians last night but the amount was rather pitiful since my PC was created about 2 hours before. The poor tipping the poor :p. But I thought it was appropriate etiquette and I don't like to leech :)

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well if you're like me then you have ALOT of excess money...*looks around* mmmkay...maybe it's just me...but anyway...with a bank acount of well over 20,000 I can /tip anybody I want however much I want without fear of going bankrupt. If I get a good piece of advice from somebody I may tip them 50 creds. After I watch an entertainer I /tip at least 100 creds because I go in there with huge battle fatigue...as for /tip medics...it hasn't happened. I havn't been attended to in a hospital yet...had to go out and grab Novice Medic to keep my wounds down! (300+ in Focus wounds out of 400!!!) If a medic DID heal my wounds in a hospital I'd be so suprised I'd pay 1000 creds at least!

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Yeah, meds are not cheap folks. I will tell you this, I have three harvesters to keep my med skills up, technically I need four, but that's another issue altogether. Each costs 25 credits an hour for maintenance, so 25 x 3 = 75. Now, there are 24 hours in a day.... thats 75 x 24 that's 1,800 credits, not including the hour to two hours I can spend craftings meds, collecting from the harvesters...... on top of BUYING the harvesters. (PA donation)


Anytime you see a Medic, ask what they think is fair. A good Medic won't heal you unless you pay up front. Now, I realize that some of you are a little hard up for cash in game. That's understandable, but keep in mind, that unlike Entertainers, Medics have expenses. They also have no other means of funding their trade than charging you for heals. Often, they will accept Inorganics, Organics, Water, Chemicals and Minerals as well, in that order is the importance of those substances. I can eat through a thousand of each of these resources in a matter of an hour or two. Being a Medic with Organic Chem III, I simply supply the medics with an over abbundance of meds to heal both myself and my friends, but that isn't possible for everyone. 500-1000 creds should be what you pay your medic, especially if you have a lot of wounds. Remember, you can make that in one 8 difficulty mission, it takes a lot of work for that medic to even get to the hospital to heal, between crafting and harvesting. So cut these guys some slack. It may be a labor of love, but it isn't free.

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